Jan 03, 2006 20:34
Got back from my dads side of the family grandparents sunday, the trip was pretty craptastic.. Only reason i was looking forward to going was to get soem drawing done, my goal was to have six new good pics ready to be colored by the time i got back, i had two. Was due to alot offamily constantly coming over and seeing us the entire time. And when i did have teh chance to draw i was usually exausted since i didnt geta single good nights sleep the entire time i was there. The night before we left i only had 3 hours of sleep. Reason for teh lack os sleeop being the louzy sofa bed i had to sleep on, and that my grandma kept the hours uber hot. And my grandpa smokes alot so it stunk as well. Also where i slept there was a huge ass window and im not used to sleeping with light (my window in my room is covered bythick blankets and curtans.) Only good thing about teh trip is that i got to see the memoires of a geisha movie,which iv really been looking forward to. Had to drive 40min on the interstate to get to a theatre that was showing it though, lol. It was really good. you ppl should go see it.
Today has been for the most part meh. Was on for a while this morning, went out jobhunting in teh afternoon,cam back, got ranted at by my dad (which is unusual, usually its my mom being an ass) about how im lazy and need get my ass moving and geta job and start paying them back. Im really getting tired of it...
Good thing though is that I ordered the Naruto game for my b-day today. it should be hear in like ten days at the latest, monday at the earlyist. Also after i went jobhunting yesturday i used some giftcards to get myself a copy of the GC Fire Emblem game (woot! its rocks!) and a badass spidy poster, and a much needed long mirror. I need it for drawing, an WM had it on discout for like 8 bucks so i nabed it. That made me happy.
My WoW-age is going to end soon, my currentsub runs out the 20th... I hate to see it go like this (especially since the 1.9 patch came out today, and my shamy isalmost lvl 40 =/) but its probably for teh best, and i can always resume it later. With a full time job, trying to draw alot more, and other games like FE and Naruto, along with saving money for whatever i may decided to do with it come summer, i have little time or money for wow atm. An yes, im am considering giving teh whole moving back down to Fl think another shot later in the year... but no promises.. dont hold me to it. My future is still a big confusing mess to me right now, and i honestly have little fucking clue what im going to be doing with it. We'll see.
New year resolutions to myself..
2. Learn how to use photoshop with some simblance of skill
3. Save money
4. Start school at some point this year.
5. Exercise... i dont feel like getting chuby and having a low life expectancy.. also harder to get a g/f with a belly, i have a hard enough time as is =P
6. Get a g/f? who knows on this one. Doubt ill find anyone id dare go out with in Alabamalamb
that.. alot.. for me.. hrmm..
what else? ::thinks::
Oh yeah, GS is giving me NO hours... was suposed to work one day this week, just found out a bit ago i got unscedualed even for that one day, woopdy doo... -.- S osince i was out of town last week, i got a total of 0 house this pay period...
hmm... all i can think of now.
Later peeps.