rotten fruit

Jun 13, 2010 23:24

Lately, I've been having a problem with eating things that have gone bad.

The other day, I was drinking a cup of milk and realized it was sour. But for some reason, I kept drinking it, thinking, "It's early in the I must be tired which is making me think the milk is sour."

Obviously, my bad thought-processing skills should be put to blame which, indeed, maybe have been caused by the early hour (it was 10:30am....-___-;;) but still, I just felt bad spitting it out and throwing it away.


I thoroughly regretted my poor decision-making abilities an hour afterward.

And now...the banana I'm eating tastes like it was mixed with alcohol...

You know you're out of shape when, after a "workout," you wonder if, after covering your arms in salonpas patches, you should start cutting strips out of them to put on your wimpy yet cramped fingers.

It hurts to type~~ (>___<)

rant, food

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