Straight up fresh is our return baby!

May 13, 2004 21:12

So yeah. Nothing new going on really. Finals are over with, that's nice. I'm taking a class called programming logic over the summer. Should be interesting. Trying to find a job. I've been employed at this temporary agency for a while now and I haven't had in work since before xmas because I couldn't fit anything around school. Now I can. It will be interesting to see if I get an email telling me I have work to do. Otherwise I'll just have my dad nagging me while I sit here and play Diablo2 and an online text based game a friend of mine is hosting called Trade Wars. That shit is old school, but it's fun. Anyway, I'm taking care of my dad's gf's dog for the weekend, and rescuing her son from an asshole of a father. Will keep me busy at least. Have a good one folks.

~ Chris ~
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