[Current Mood: Muhahahahhaha!
[Weapon of the day: FLAMING BANANA!!!!! ]
[Current game of fancy: FFXI (duh) Still would like to give FM4 a spin]
Just devoured a giant plate of Chinese food. Mmmmmmmmmm. So full.
FFXI is on server maintenance for 8 hours. Which is good. Allowed me to get on to chat with Orb about possible comp grifting. And monkey spanking. But that was his topic, not mine....
We move at the end of the week. Still gotta pack, but that's never taken too long. Feel mighty exhausted today from all that moving yesterday (we helped Missa's parents move to their new place out in the boonies. Nice place. Pretty big. But waaaaaaay out there.) I'm not really tired and achey, it's more of my body trying to get used to doing strenous activities again. If I keep this up, it'll be fine.
Back to FFXI....I finally hit lv. 30 with my war, which means I can now take a stab at all the advanced jobs....though I prefer the warrior I have now. I did go out and get the Dark Knight, but still haven't really used him yet. Guess I'll give it some time. Finally leveled my thief to 15 (woo! It's a huge geeky/nerdy section!) so I now have sneak attack and treasure hunter, which are fantastic skills.
Hmmm. Had a rant...I can't remember right now though....
This post is very scatterbrained, isn't it? I'm just jumping all over the place.
Did I mention how much I really like that avatar site. The one I'm using to make the faces for my mood section here. Amuses the hell outta me.
Not feeling artsy enough to really do more than a few heads and faces for the GQT champ pic. But I do have a few heads. Was thinking of a theme, and I think I might have one. Hope everyone likes the feel of a nice breeze....^_^
Big loogie in throat right now. Trying to hack it out. *hacks*
Ah yes, the rant. I was gonna go on about the lying thing. As I've stated before, lying is one of those inevitable things. No matter how high your ideals, or what you may believe about it, every once in a while you'll have to do it. Maybe it's to preserve something of importance (friendship, relationship, job, etc), but there's something you might wanna keep in mind. I understand the little white lies (though these are not really exempt from the rant) that you might say to make someone feel better. However, I've always felt that every time you lie, you are, in a way, admitting some kinda incompetence within yourself. Maybe it's the inability to be straightfoward (and not pussy foot around something) or just your lack the self esteem you really want (and therefore tell blown outta proportion lies to make yourself look good). Or even if it's just cause you screwed up and you try to hide the truth. Lying doesn't make the fact go away. Sure, you may turn the perceptions of other people into believing one thing over another, but you still know the truth. Sure, you may not care about this truth that exists, but it still sits there. You screwed up somehow. Whether that eats away at you or not is up to you, of course. And as always, the correctness of a lie varies with the situation. Maybe it's better sometimes. Maybe it's not. I guess I'm just a naive little boy who still believes that true power is not built within backstabbing, but within trust. Or maybe that's just optimistic. I like that better than being a little boy (lying to myself now....)
Alright, rambled enough. Please gather up your books and read sections 2-3, making sure you do the essay on "What the hell is wrong with Seven?!" by my next entry. :D
As usual....
Much love to Missa and Aya. <333333
Much luff to friends (you all know who you are, and if you don't, I'm gonna have to kick your ass).
STL looks really snazzy in her pics. And Missa was right. Boobage. ^_^
Million and one other things running around my head, but if they can't link themselves into one, there's no use spewing them ^_^