Sep 23, 2006 13:40
So last night was Rosh Hashanah *which is the Jewish new year for those of you who don't know what it is* and I made the obligatory call to my family. And when I say family, I mean the whole family which includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins because they were all gathered in one spot so they could play pass the phone. It was nice to talk to everyone because as much as they annoy me at times, I grew up having them very close to me and not going more than a month without seeing all of them. But at the same time I was stuck with a huge surge of homesickness. I know part of it was the fact that I was alone in the house while I was talking to them, and it's never a great feeling knowing there is a celebration going on with a lot of people you love while you're sitting at home alone, but at the same time I realized that I really miss those get togethers. It was another reminder of my entire world that got left behind when I went to college, and I don't think most of my friends in Hays will ever be able to fully comprehend how much I really sacrificed in the persuit of a higher education and how difficult it is to deal with at times because most of them can visit home anytime they want because they live only a few hours away from their home.
So I'm actually looking forward to going back to Denver in two weeks for much more than Nan Desu Kan. Sure NDK in the primary excuse for going, but I'm starting to make some plans that don't involve Kenny, Kim, or Chris.
Only 12 days.