Mar 12, 2011 20:57
I don’t know what to say. I didn’t think that one of the beautiful countries in this world would take a massive earthquake and tsunami in a day, and it’s still going on. It’s my first time seeing that my favorite country is now looks like a garbage dump because of the massive-attack of tsunami and I think that the whole world of the news is about Japan. The sad thing is, the northern part of Japan is really DAMAGED or should I said wiped-out? (;w;)
I’m feeling a little ease at the moment since the earthquake and tsunami didn’t take place in Shizuoka-ken where I’m living right now. Our home, me, friends, relatives, and our neighbors (where we living, right now) are all safe and sound (V_V;;) and now, Japan is really in crisis and on emergency alert because of what happened.
I’m really hoping about the earthquake and tsunami will calm down and stop as soon as possible because looking right now in Japan, gives me a scare and a sad feeling …
japan: news