KHR 30-day meme time!

Aug 07, 2010 01:43

I keep forgetting to continue this meme! XD;

So I'll just go ahead and answer 4 questions this time, if not, I'm not sure when I'll end this meme lmfao! I'll go back to answering 2 questions per day tomorrow!

3. Character you'd date
4. Character you'd like to go shopping with
For today:

5. Character you’d like as your child

He's gentle, polite, sensible and so downright cute! He makes such a great mommy's helper as well! Frankly speaking, he's really my ideal son! XD Not to mention that he'll grow into a hawt bishie!♥ BUT, even though he grew, he's still your sweet, kind-hearted boy. ;D

6. Character who would probably be your rival

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, infact, I LOVE HIM LOL.
I have no idea why but he's the only character where I can see myself arguing shits with from day to night ! And just compete for pointless things. LOL! I just feel like starting a fight with him every time I see him. XDDD Note: I still love him though! It's just complicated!

7. Character you have most in common with

Firstly, NO I DON'T PLAY BASEBALL LOL. I'm interested in playing it though! The places that I'm in common with him... We're optimists I guess? XD I get back up standing real quick after I fall, and I don't like depressing and serious stuffs. I tend to want to be a part of things even though I'm clueless about it. I like encouraging people and make them happy.

Come to think of it, I've took a KHR personality quiz at facebook and I got Yamamoto!
So yeah, I guess I'm similar to Yamamoto! XD

8. Character you look like the most

raggie92 should know. I'm no sexy girl lmfao.
It's the hairstyle perhaps? Her hairstyle's close to mine though mine's not pink!
I've thought about dying my hair hot pink though. Seriously. XD

meme, khr

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