And the raw's out! XD
Just finished watching it♥
It's a positive to Ciel's lost of memories! XD
So the events really did happened after the end of season 1! As to why Lau and Ranmao lives, their deaths were never confirmed in the first place so it's only natural to think that they may have survived? :D
The only thing I did not enjoyed in this episode is Hannah taking off her dress. Sigh.
I can't believe I smiled when Alois appeared LOL. I'm suppose to dislike him and now I'm actually starting to like him? There ARE some scenes where I still don't like him though, but I'm just strangely growing fond of him. I actually missed him after episode 1! 8D; Glad to see that he's back, all dressed up in a maid's dress lmfao.
The best part in this episode? SOUMA AND AGNI APPEARED adsfblfgbljfgbksdjfgb!!!!
The sobbing scene made me laughed like some mad girl in the middle of the night! (It's 2am+ here!) Souma is WAY TOO ADORABLE. With Agni, they're such a gag pair! XD
Another thing, hints of Alois/Ciel everywhere lol! Alois friggin licked Ciel's ear!!! I don't dislike it really. (WTF?) Somehow I just grew to like yuri and Alois/Ciel's the perfect yuri pair lmfao. Still, Sebastian/Ciel's my OTP and that will never ever change. Alois should just go back to his Claudy and stay put there. :3 And the "Yes, your Highness" VS "Yes, my Lord" scene is way epic! XD I laughed out loud for some reason LOL.
Oh yeah and I forgot something! THE TRIPLETS!!! THE TRIPLETS!!!!!!!
THEY'RE AMAZING. I was thinking, "Are they by any chance demons as well?" They look kinda like Claude's henchmen LOL. Anywho, THEY'RE JUST FRIGGIN AMAZING! AND CUTE! The way they clean up Ciel's servants messes is simply awesome! XDDD I'm officially liking them! A LOT!
Lastly, teary Souma is love.
and Ono-D's ad-lib in the preview, that's not Sebastian narrating, that's TOTALLY Ono-D LOL!