Long time no see, kids. I've been reading all your journals though :) Werd. So, I haven't posted on LJ in a long time. Perhaps an update is in order.
Condensed version: Got a job. Got a cat. New tattoos and piercings. New friends, old friends, DRAMA LLAMA LIKE WHOA.
Now, let's see what I can remember from the last 5 months.
I got this job in may, but I still have it. Working at the busiest Wal-Mart in Ottawa, and there are 8 in Ottawa. We sometimes get 100,000 customers a day :| Anyhoo, I've been working as a cashier there and I liked it. I was starting to get a bit bored though. Yesterday, I got a PROMOTION. That's right bitches, I'm moving up in the world, HAHA. The only bad part is I'll be working A LOT of overtime in the Christmas season (we'll be open 24 hours starting in Dec., but before then I'll have to stay until like 1am some nights since we're open till midnight now). That suits me just fine though...no customers, a radio, a chair...and a lot of dead guys.
I work in the accounting/cash office now, I handle several thousands of dollars a day. By myself, once I've finished my training.
It's a lot to learn, but I think I'll do fine. I learn fast. Not sure if I get a raise or not though...LOL. I didn't ask, because I didn't want to ruin my chance. I'll find out on my next paycheck **shrug**
I never posted what we eventually named the cat. He is Foof. Foof is he. It's his name, there is no other name for him. He's a big Foof now...he's getting so big. He's around 8 months now. He likes to make big messes, but he's getting a lot better. He's so snuggly and I love my Foofy ♥
Since I last posted in LJ, I've gotten 4 new piercings and 2/3 new tattoos. I'm not sure if I count my new star tattoo(s?) as one or two yet, as they are a set but they're far enough apart to be considered two. I think about the dumbest stuff sometimes. Anyway, I got the two comet stars as a birthday gift to myself. Here is a pict0r:
They look really small here, but they are a fair size and are super brightly coloured. Everyone thinks they are fake because the colours are so vibrant. I went to a new tattoo shop.
Normally, I get tattooed at the same place I get pierced. However, there is a complete and total DOUCHE working there that has tattooed me twice - he has such a bad attitude I didn't want to even risk being tattooed by him again. A friend at work told me about the place that she goes - her tatts are pretty nice so I went to check it out.
I paid $100 for both of my stars. I was quoted $150 to $175...so I left Eric (the new tattoo guy) a $30 tip, as I was prepared to spend that much anyway. I'm so generous.
In October, my friend Cristie and I usually get something done together. She got her first tattoo...she says she'll never do it again, hahaha. It was fun! :) It's my biggest tattoo so far..it took over an hour to do. I'm so happy with it! I love cherry blossoms, and Sakura was my nickname when I was a bit younger...
Piercing wise, I have gotten my nose pierced, both of my nipples pierced (OHGODHURTSSOBAD) and I got a labret piercing about 2 weeks ago.
I went to my usual place to get the labret done. The guy I normally see, Matt, wasn't there that day, it was some other chick. I let her do it. I had my lip pierced two years ago, and there is a wee little scar that is DEAD CENTER under my lip. I had the labret placed a bit lower than the old one. She marked it right below the scar, so it was perfectly centered. She pierced it WAY FUCKING OFF. It wasn't even CLOSE to the dot. Wasn't even touching the dot. I went home and cried, then came out to have it repierced. She still pierced it just a tiny bit too far to the right, but it was acceptable. However, the two holes were so close together that by the time I got home, the holes had meshed into one big hole. For a week I used tiny band-aid pieces to train the stud to the left (read: center)so that the hole would close up around it where I wanted it to be. It was in the center until this morning...somehow it has shifted to the right overnight.
I am still furious. Oh well.
Oh. my. god. There has been so much drama between everyone about everything as far as my real friends go...eugghhhh. Several problem relationships have ENDED, and everything is slowly coming back together. Everyone is getting along again. Everyone is having a good time again.
I've made a LOT of new friends thanks to work. I'm definately more social now, and I enjoy being with people I like. Makes work bearable. Unfortunately, as much as I love these people, I don't EVER see them outside of work :( I'm too busy, they are too busy...it's sad.
Matt and I are approaching 5 and a half years together. We are legally common-law now.
Just kidding. My foot is itchy and I am hungry. Goodnight world ♥