Title: The Natural Way of Things
shiikiRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley
Word Count: 448
Summary: Conversation immediately following the Epilogue, based on a prompt from
snorkackcatcher which would give the game away if I were to mention it now.
'Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!' Lily Potter clasped her hands together delightedly. 'Teddy would really be part of the family then!'
Ron snorted. 'Where'd she get from one snog to marriage?'
'She's nine, Ron. At that age, all girls believe that's how it goes,' said Hermione. She smiled a little reminiscently. 'It's in all the fairy tales.
'Rose, dear, it's nearly eleven, you'd better get on.'
Their daughter turned away from the Potter children. 'Got it, Mum.' She flung her arms around Ron, who hugged her tight, then kissed Hermione on the cheek. 'I'll miss you!'
'We'll miss you, too, Rosie. Have a great term, love.'
Rose nodded, hugged them both again, and then disappeared up through the train door. Her head reappeared out of a compartment window soon, just as whistles sounded and up and down the platform doors began to slam.
All too soon, the Hogwarts Express was chugging off, accelerating down the tracks, taking their firstborn off to school. Lily and Hugo ran along the platform, yelling their goodbyes to their siblings and cousins at the top of their lungs.
'Imagine what it'll be like in two years,' said Ginny, looking after the remaining two children, 'with all of them gone.'
Ron laughed. 'I'm not sure my ears could get used to the quiet.'
'You do know you're responsible for half the noise about the house,' Hermione informed him. To Ginny, she said, 'Would be nice to have a little extra time on our hands. Who knows -- we might even have time to plan a wedding!' She nudged Ron, who caught on quickly.
'Could be arranged,' he said with a straight face. 'After all, according to my niece, marriage should follow soon after snogging. I'd say we're long overdue for someone to really become part of the family.'
Ginny's eyes widened. 'Are you two ...'
'Getting married at last?' Hermione grinned impishly. 'No. I was thinking more along the lines of the young lovebirds.' She nodded towards Teddy, who had met up with Harry, Lily, and Hugo. 'Lily does seem to think it's a possibility.'
Ginny shook her head. 'You had me going there for a while. I thought Mum's nagging might have got to you at last.'
'Molly means well -- and I suppose it is the natural way of things, but really, marriage is over-rated,' said Hermione. She smiled fondly at Ron and Hugo. 'I have all I want -- an official document and a fancy ceremony isn't going to make any difference.'
'Besides,' said Ron with a lavish wink, as they led the group through the ticket barrier, 'it's lots more exciting to be living in sin with a girlfriend.'
prompt was for Ron and Hermione or Harry and Ginny not married in the Epilogue. I chose Ron and Hermione since Harry's family is described as 'the five Potters'.
The first line of the fic is taken directly from the Epilogue, Deathly Hallows page 605 (UK hardcover).