REC: Animorphs 4X - The Facade (Marco, Ax, Tobias, Gen)

Feb 08, 2009 09:57

Title: Animorphs 4X - The Facade
Author: bucketmouse
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Marco, Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill, Tobias, Gen
Fandom: Animorphs

Summary: The Yeerks are onto our intrepid heroes, and they need to throw them off - isn't Marco's life hard enough already? (Takes place after book 40, before book 45.)

Why you should read this ...
Firstly because of Marco's absolutely kick-ass humour. The fic's full of it! :) And then it's just like one of those Marco-narrated books (one of my favourites, personally, possibly because of the jokes) with a plausible plot and everything. It may not be fine literature, but it's a great way to kill an hour!

rec_character: [aximili], rec_character: [marco], rec_character: [tobias], rec_pairing: [gen], rec_fandom: [animorphs], rec_author: [bucketmouse], rec_length: [one-shot]

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