Title: Rising from Embers
shiikiRating: PG-13/R
Characters/Pairings: Lily Evans/James Potter, Marauders, OCs
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 41,283, 15 chapters
Summary: Against a backdrop of terror and hostility, Lily Evans and James Potter come of age in a world at war.
Seventh year is bound to be fraught with difficulties, but it is also a time for both to grow and learn, to rise to the challenges thrown their way, and to find their way to each other.
The sequel to From Ashes.
Notes: Written pre-Deathly Hallows, now A/U. It’s not absolutely necessary to read Ashes in order to understand this, but I would suggest it, as some of the plot carries over from there.
Enormous thanks goes to jamc91 for her kind patience, eagle-eyed checking, and humourous style of commenting. Because of her, editing this story has become a fun and enjoyable process. I couldn’t possibly ask for more in a beta!
Also, Birgit, my SQ beta, whom I can never thank enough for her efforts. Her comments have certainly made a difference to the clarity of the writing!
This story is for Gulistanlik and jude, who couldn’t be more generous with their encouragement!
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Time Turner.net Chapter 1: JourneyA new year begins and Lily has to face being Head Girl among hostile Slytherins ... and James Potter.
Chapter 2: DeterminationLily and James each come to a decision about the year.
Chapter 3: Slivers of HopeLily discovers the essence of the Patronus Charm and James prove that there's more to him than she believed.
Chapter 4: Taking a ChanceJames finally manages to convince Lily to go to Hogsmeade with him.
Chapter 5: New Dreams, Old ConnectionsLily discovers a talent that could help her in the future, while James shows that their old friendship hasn't quite died.
Chapter 6: Different Faces of CourageJames saves the Gryffindor Seeker and wins the first Quidditch match of the year.
Chapter 7: ChangesLily realises her attitude towards James and his friends has changed.
Chapter 8: NightmareThe Christmas holidays begin with an unexpected disaster.
Chapter 9: The AwakeningWith James's help, Lily makes it through the tough times.
Chapter 10: A New NightmareAn attack on Hogsmeade has devastating consequences.
Chapter 11: Battle ScarsLily and James deal with their scars - visible or not - in the aftermath of Hogsmeade.
Chapter 12: Rising StrongerThe Marauders help Lily through her blindness and McGonagall is amazed at the change in her students.
Chapter 13: DevelopmentLily tries to figure out how she feels about James, as well as a dangerous spell web.
Chapter 14: A Pivotal MomentThe seventh-years take their NEWTs and prepare to leave school ... Lily finally finds the courage to give James what he hopes for.
Chapter 15: Coming HomeLily learns that home is with the ones you love ... who love you.