Title: Timestamp Meme for
angela_147, from Rising from Embers
shiikiRating: G
Characters/Pairings: James Potter, Sirius Black, Gen
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 369
Summary: Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.
Request by
angela_147: The summer before the start of
Rising from Embers.
Notes: Written pre-DH, now not quite A/U in itself, but the universe it spins off from is definitely not canon any more.
‘Well,’ said Sirius, handing James the familiar Hogwarts letter. ‘We’re seventh-years now.’
James shook open his envelope, trying not to think about the fact that this was the last Hogwarts letter he’d ever be getting. Two sheets of parchment slid out … as well as an unexpected small object. James’s hand instinctively shot out to grab it before it clattered to the floor. Puzzled, he held it up to the light.
It turned out to be a thin, flat piece of metal, mounted to a safety pin at the back. On the face side, the Hogwarts crest was painted, across which the letters ‘H’ and ‘B’ were printed in gold.
‘HB?’ he murmured, turning it around in his hands. ‘Not …’ It couldn’t be …
‘That’s a badge, you dolt,’ said Sirius, who had finished with his own letter. He grinned. ‘You’re Head Boy, Prongs.’
James nearly dropped the badge. Funny how his fingers, which held Quaffles so steadily, were now fumbling this simple, light object.
‘It’s a - a mistake,’ he stammered, still not believing it. ‘Or a joke.’ He couldn’t be Head Boy. ‘I’m - I’m not even a prefect! This should be Remus’s. Or - or -’
Sirius snatched James’s Hogwarts letter from him. Flipping to the second sheet, he read,
‘Dear Mr Potter,
I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to serve as Head Boy of Hogwarts this school year. Please find enclosed your -’
‘Let me see that.’ James stared at the letter in shock. He’d thought Sirius had to be having him on. But no, there was his name, clearly printed. And there - his eyes skipped to the bottom of the page - was the Headmaster’s signature. It wasn’t a fake.
He quickly skimmed the rest of the letter.
I know that you may find this a shock, not having been a member of the Hogwarts prefecture. I assure you, however, that the decision was made with a great deal of serious consideration, and I believe it to be the right one.
Trust yourself, James.
With Sincere Regards,
Albus Dumbledore
‘Holy Hippogriffs,’ said James, feeling very much as though he’d just emerged from a fifty-foot dive. ‘Dumbledore must be off his rocker!’