Title: Starting Points
shiikiRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Gen
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count:
Summary: The longest journey begins with a single step. Five youngsters take that first step on September 1st, 1970, when they board the Hogwarts Express for school.
Part of the Ashes universe, but can be read alone.
Notes: Written pre-DH, now A/U. This story is dedicated to
msmoocow, lovely beta and wonderful friend. And also, to all readers who enjoy the Ashes trilogy. I hope you’ll enjoy how it all began!
Part I: LilyLily meets several nasty students and shows her Gryffindor courage before arriving at school.
Part II: JamesJames shows his penchant for adventure and sticking his nose into trouble.
Part III: PeterPeter is in over his head, but he does his best to be brave.
Part IV: SiriusA little excitement and a little trouble - both find Sirius on the first day.
Part V: RemusRemus is Sorted and finds himself belonging for the first time.
Epilogue: LettersThe first-years settle into Gryffindor.