REC: Passing Faces (Thalia, Gen)

Jan 30, 2017 20:29

Title: Passing Faces
Author: Liana_Legaspi
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Thalia Grace, various others, Gen
Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: She's a stalker of little children, but in her defense, these are her friends. Granted, they all died years ago, but whatever. They're back now and that's all that matters.

In which the heroes of Olympus try for the Isles of the Blest and Thalia watches.

Why you should read this …
The author absolutely nails Thalia’s voice here. It’s kind of nonchalant and tough-sounding, with a hint of bitterness that is to be expected after three hundred odd years of immortality, but is also kind of present in her canon characterisation, too. The future world is well built up with a lot of little details that allow us to envision it completely, and the author made very logical choices about how the gods evolved in accordance with it. I got a lot of insight into different aspects of canon from various lines in the story, which is even more sweet-I’m a sucker for fics that make you look at the original source material from another angle. On the storyline itself, the little glimpses of rebirthed heroes in their new lives are beautifully done (and the references to other series very welcome). The story plays with your emotions a lot as well, taking you through a rollercoaster of humorous, sad, and poignant scenes as it unfolds.

I first read this on Ao3, but the link there no longer exists, so I’m linking to a version that I found instead, which is a little less polished, but still good!

rec_fandom: [percy jackson], rec_pairing: [gen], rec_author: [liana_legaspi], rec_character: [thalia grace], rec_length: [one-shot]

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