FIC: Dealing with Dragons (OC, Charlie, Gen)

Jul 05, 2016 15:57

Title: Dealing with Dragons
Author: shiiki
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: OC, Charlie Weasley, Gen
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 552

Summary: I think the best thing will be to send him over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. --PS/SS, chpt 14. Who were Charlie's friends and how did he get them to agree to transport an illegal dragon?

Notes: Inspired by a re-read of chapter 14 of PS/SS.

Dear Isolde,

How's my favourite Magizoologist?

I've a bit of a favour to ask. My brother's gone and got himself into a bind--or rather, Hagrid's got himself into a bind and somehow ickle Ronnie's got involved. What can I say, the lad's got good taste in friends.

Anyhow, he's somehow acquired a dragon--Hagrid, that is, not Ron--and it's apparently just about outgrown the hut in a week. Somehow I'm not surprised. You remember his fascination for wild creatures. I had him up for a visit last summer and he was all for adopting and raising one of our Short-Snouts. Our head keeper was counting the eggs when he left, just in case …

It looks like he's finally got an egg to hatch, only he can't keep it any more. But it'd have a good home here, if it could just get to us … that's where you come in!

D'you reckon you could drop by Hogwarts on your way here next week? I know it's a bit of a detour, but I can't think of any other way to get the dragon here without reporting Hagrid to the Ministry. He's been an idiot, but he's helped us out loads of times, I feel like we owe him at least once. And I can't think of anyone better than you and Marty and Pats to fly a baby dragon cross-continents. How lucky it is that you're flying down anyway, right?

Your grateful friend,

Isolde Carrington folded up the letter, wishing dearly she could deck Charlie Weasley right now. She probably would once she got to Romania.

With a dragon in tow.

Oh, she could refuse--she probably should refuse--but she knew as well as Charlie did that she wouldn't. She owed Hagrid for more than just getting them out of a number of late night scrapes during their time at Hogwarts. Hagrid was the one who had introduced her to Newt Scamander and scored her a rare and coveted apprenticeship with the famous Magizoologist. And Charlie bloody well knew it.

Their friends Martin Gudgeon and Patrick Coopey--better known as the Appleby Beaters these days--would probably go along, too, for Charlie's sake. The three of them had been tight when Charlie had captained the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Rolf Scamander--the last member of their group and her teacher's grandson, incidentally--was a more unknown quantity, but Isolde was reasonably sure that a wizard who had jumped at the opportunity to visit a dragon reserve wouldn't balk at transporting a dragon. She did know he wasn't the law-abiding, stick-in-the-mud type anyway.

Yes, they could probably pull this off. And she owed Hagrid.

Isolde sighed and summoned quill, ink, and parchment.

Charlie, you git.

And I'm the only Magizoologist you know. Or will be, anyway, if this little stunt doesn't lose me my apprenticeship.

We'll rig up a harness, and we better do this at night to avoid detection. Can you get your brother to meet us at the top of the Astronomy tower Saturday at midnight?

Your friend, who is expecting a superb Romanian holiday after this,

She tied up her letter and sent it off with Charlie's owl. Then rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She had a dragon harness to construct.

fic_pairing: [gen], fic_character: [charlie weasley], fic_fandom: [harry potter], 2016!fic, fic_length: [ficlet], fic_character: [oc]

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