FIC: After the Troll (Hermione, Gen)

Apr 29, 2016 15:26

Title: After the Troll
Author: shiiki
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger, Gen
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 457

Summary: After being rescued from the troll, Hermione waits for Ron and Harry by the Gryffindor common room entrance.

Notes: Inspired by a re-read of chapter 10 of PS/SS.

Hermione scurried out of the bathroom, her heart still racing, though whether from the fact that she'd nearly been a troll's dinner or that she'd just got away with lying--lying--to her teachers, she wasn't sure. Her legs carried her all the way to the portrait of the Fat Lady before she stopped, breathing heavily, outside Gryffindor Tower.

'Goodness, dear, what's happened to you?' said the Fat Lady. 'And why weren't you with the rest of the students?'

'I--'Hermione stopped, not quite sure how to describe what had just happened. Already it was feeling rather surreal: the troll, her frozen terror, then Ron and Harry ... they'd come for her, despite everything they'd said earlier. And then the story she'd told Professor McGonagall--something she'd never have imagined, and yet come so naturally, because what else could she have done after the boys had come to save her?

The Fat Lady tutted. 'Well, all right, don't tell me. Password, then?'

'Pig snout,' said Hermione automatically. The portrait swung forward and as she clambered in, she realised what else she probably should have done--waited for Ron and Harry instead of running straight off.

She stood by the door, biting her lip. It seemed the feast had continued up here: the common room was packed and noisy and the smell of food wafted over from the tables by the fire. No one paid Hermione any attention; in fact, it didn't seem like anyone had even noticed her missing.

Except Ron and Harry.

Who were now crawling through the portrait hole. Ron came first and saw her waiting. Their eyes met and Hermione quickly looked away, flushing, unsure what she was meant to say after a boy she'd thought hated her had just saved her life. Some sort of gratitude was certainly owed, so although she couldn't quite muster up the courage to look back at Ron or Harry directly, she found her voice.

'Thanks,' she said, only at the same time, two other voices repeated it back at her. Hermione chanced a glance at Harry and saw that he was staring somewhere to the left of her. Ron seemed similarly awkward. They all made a big show of joining in the continued feast, and none of them said any more about what had just happened, but when she next looked at them over a plate of chicken leg and potatoes, Harry grinned back and Ron winked at her as though they shared an exciting secret. Which, to be fair, they sort of did.

Hermione smiled, relaxing, as a warm feeling that had nothing to do with the hot plate of food or the roaring common room fire blossomed in her chest. Perhaps they didn't really need to say any more.

fic_pairing: [gen], fic_fandom: [harry potter], 2016!fic, fic_length: [ficlet], fic_character: [hermione granger]

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