Title: Unity
shiikiRating: G
Characters/Pairings: The Deathly Hallows (personified)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 223
Summary: They were three.
Notes: Written for a meme challenge using the first line from one of
rougered's fics:
They were three. Forged by the hands of their talented masters, together, they were meant to embody the greatest power any wizard could ever dream of.
However, people sought to misappropriate them and in doing so, separated them. Their oldest master was murdered and the thinnest of their number spirited away in the night. Then another master took his life and with this action, the roundest of the three was lost.
The last of the trio waited, passing from hand to hand until it could be reunited with its brothers. It heard stories over the years of its eldest sibling - bloody, gory tales that made it weep - but of the second sibling, there was never any news.
And so it went, century after century, and the tales of the three brothers were passed along down generations until they were believed to be mere myth. Their paths crossed occasionally - in the hands of one wise old wizard, who won the allegiance and respect of the thin eldest brother and managed to reunite him periodically with each of the other brothers at different times.
It was when that wizard passed on that a much younger, messy-haired wizard brought them together: Wand, Stone, and Cloak.
And they saw his pure heart and selfless courage and acknowledged him as their true master of the Deathly Hallows.