Title: Through the Eyes of a Child
shiikiRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Bill Weasley, Weasley family, Gen
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 226
Summary: Little Billy sees something weird and scary.
Notes: Written for a meme challenge using the first line of one of
attilatehbun's fics.
It is not like Billy's a stranger to weird things. Living in a house full of younger siblings, all prone to bursts of accidental magic, he's rather used to seeing magical disasters of all sorts.
Like when Percy's bum disappeared and he crawled around for hours before Mummy noticed. (Billy is sure Freddy had to do with it, because Percy took Freddy's rattle away just before the Mysterious Vanishing Bum happened.)
Or when he and Charlie were playing at being dragons in the garden and Charlie started breathing fire. (That was wicked cool, though!)
This thing is not just weird, though. It's scary, or maybe it's Mummy and Daddy's reactions that are scary although Mummy isn't yelling and Daddy doesn't look mad and Billy doesn't think any of them are in trouble.
But Mummy is shaking and she looks like she's going to drop the new baby and Daddy looks like he's going to cry, and he takes Percy by the hand and covers Percy's eyes with the other, and Billy decides to copy him and do the same to Freddy and Georgie, only they squirm and squirm and try to bite Billy. He peeks up at that weird-looking green face in the sky. It has a snake in its mouth.
Somehow he knows that they aren't going to visit Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon any more today.