Remember this?
{Take the 100 Things challenge!}
I have not given up on my 100 sailing things challenge, just that I need to put that on hold for a while. However, I wanted something else to post about, so here we go - shiny new idea!
These posts will be a lot more random, featuring one photo and a lot of rambling about the photo. It could be a picture of a book cover and include talk about the book. Or some interesting artefact and how I came about it. A screenshot from a show that I found compelling. I don't know, I'm not going to confine myself. But I think it'll sufficiently random and pain-free blogging!
Although I highly doubt it will be a continuous photo-a-day because I know better than to think I can manage to post for 100 days straight.
(I'm keeping this as a 'master page' for the sake of organisation and will pick my photos in another post. Also, this post is unlocked but actual challenge posts will stay flocked since I have a tendency to combine private stuff in posts as well as forget to un-default the lock status.)
01: Deathly Hallows 02: Salt and Pepper Lovers 03: Sushi Bun 04: Possum in a Tree 05: Dialling MoM ... 06: In Honour of Teeth 07: Quintana of Charyn 08: Sunflower Jigsaw 09: Wedding 10: The Once-in-Four-Years National Championship 11: Bintan Rainbow 12: 2012 Scrapbook 13: Inspiration