pennswoods post alerted me to the fact that this exists, and I was meaning to add it as an ETA to my last post, but it became very long and I thought heck, give it its own post. Hence the spam. Sorry!
***Information below that I think some of you would rather not see, so ... yeah. Just be warned and don't click the link if you don't want to know anything about interviews.***
Just the link, as I'm lazy to embed the video. So. Interesting to note that she wrote the entire family tree (BUT NO NEVILLE! :( *sigh*) out including Luna's (although I tried and tried to make out what the name of Luna's first son was but absolutely couldn't. (Anyone who watched it have any success?)
To sum it up - the date of the final battle was May 2 (and according to her, it 'should have been obvious if you were paying attention.' Er, no offense, Jo, but
we were paying very close attention and I don't think it was ever clear. Forgive me, but I don't exactly trust her when it comes to math, when she wrote down Fred's year of death as 1997. (What, before DH? So he was a ghost all the way through? )
Still, we got a nice snippet of info on Victoire's birthday, which is the anniversary of the final battle. (Hence the name, as we could have guessed.)
And the kids! Right, so ...Percy marries someone called Audrey (oh, hai
sowritesauds! :P) and has two kids: Molly and Lucy. Which is sweet.
George ends up with Angelina (and there goes my
the_hp_love fic before it's even been published! *sigh* This is part of the reason why interviews are kinda scary ... because they have the power to render post-DH fics un-canon - if you take interviews as canon, that is, though that's a whole other argument - and they just pop up anytime so it's totally unexpected. Unlike DH, when we knew when all the canon-slamming was going to take place.) Er, anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, George and Angie and the sprogs Fred and Roxanne (oh, Rox ... :D)
Glad to know I was right about James Sirius. And Lily Luna is alliterative, I suppose, but poor girl - there's so many ways she could get teased about her name. (Much like her brother A.S.)
And Luna's kids ... I couldn't catch the first one's name, but Lysander Scamander? It sounds like a nursery rhyme.
Okay, I think I'm starting to sound quite deprecating here, but I did like knowing more, even though I didn't like everything I heard.
It is interesting to note what she says at the end though - about this being what she sees happening (and she says 'I think' quite a lot - which makes me interpret all this as her vision of it and not necessarily what would happen ... and I'll explain in a while) but she won't write it, even though she'd love for it to be the official version because it's her world etc. etc.
Anyway, what I was thinking was that this is the way it's happening in her mind now. If she were to write it, it might not have ended up that way, because as we all know, characters do the darnedest things when you let them loose. (I mean look at Arthur who never ended up dead, and Remus and Tonks, who did?)
So it's a pretty picture she's painted for us all, but is it canon? I can't see that it is. The way she talks about it (I think, I think, I think) makes it all so uncertain and up in the air, and so I think, Hey, seems like it's all open for interpretation, eh?
(Obviously I feel better now about George/not-Angelina in my fic. Heh.)