- Are you alive, meme??? Yeah... you're out-dated, but still alive!!!
The idea of 30 days was out since the first 10 days hahaha
But I'll finish all questions!!!! Neither I'll take 40, 50 days to complete!!! /o/
I really didn't have an idea to put on day 20 ("whatever tickles your fancy" )...
My previous ideas are very laborious (need to research more pics and printscreens).. I'll make them futurely XD
So this day would be a simple idea...
★ macros spam!!!!!!!!! ★ 8D~~
They aren't mine. Some pics I don't know the credits, so if it's yours, or you know the owner, say to me!!!)
(c: kyleeers)
Falling in love <3 Don't you? (c: boomhah)
ROFL (c: ?)
It's mine!!! *O*~~
HAHAHAHHA XD (c: spice-n-sugarr)
Koki LOOOL (c: gensou alice)
(c: gensou alice)
Uepi fangirl XD~ (c: anesthesy)
(c: ?.. spice-n-sugarr???)
(c: boomhah)
member-ai <3 (c: je-levy)
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA KOKAME <3 (c: je-levy)
Junno's expression is perfect xDDD~ (c: laceyjo19)
(c: lenadesu)
(c: silverrain184)
(c: silverrain184)
and one of my favs
This is not KAT-TUN, but I laughed really hard!!!!! (and
bunny_alice will like it 8D)
(c: anesthesy)
finish!!!!!!! xD~
WTH!!!!! ULTIMATE WHEELS sold only 75k at 1st day???? O_O What's wrong with this fandom???? T_T The single is amazing... afff .___.'