Doctor Who Post (Spoiler Free)

Jul 07, 2008 20:03

So Doctor Who is done and dusted for the year (bar the Christmas ep). I have to say that I LOVED this season!

Donna = win.
I think she has topped the list of favourite companions for me. I was about 'wtf' when it was announce last year that she will be returning. However, I think Catherine Tate is absolutely brilliant now.

The Finale = win.
It seems a lot of people around the interweb hated the ending but I loved it. I shall say no more because I don't know how much people have seen but I will say this: The box set will be pre-ordered AS SOON AS IT IS AVAILABLE!!!

On another note, I was talking to
hoowee and
keh_loves_blood about an interview on Jonathon Ross with David Tennant and Catherine Tate to promote the series this year. Here are the links: part 1 and part 2. Please watch and look for the bit where Catherine talks about her cat. I lol'ed.
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