I almost have a proper kitchen

Jun 14, 2008 18:22

Yesterday I bought myself an electric skillet. It's quite small and didn't cost much so I don't expect it to last ages but it's better than what I had... which was nothing. For those who don't know my kitchen, it's too small for two people to stand in there at once, doesn't have a full oven and has barely any storage space. I bought myself a small bench oven sometime last year which is fan-bloody-tastic! It too didn't cost much and I've been abusing the heck out of it but it sure beats just having a microwave. Anyways, the skillet was a much needed addition to my little collection. Last night
hoowee, katdatheif and I broke it in by cooking pancakes. Boy was it nice! Today I cooked my first meal. Enchiladas. You guys have no idea how happy I am to not have to leave my flat to make these.
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