Hi, Yuletide writer!
Apologies for the delay on updating this!
I'll put my prompts below after my general comments--if you'd rather tell another story entirely that's absolutely great, optional details are optional and all that, I just know some people prefer to have some.
Generally, I like: friends to lovers, found families, teaaaaaaam, pining (preferably requited!), first times, humour, AUs (especially sf/fantasy type ones; x in SPACE!! is very much up my alley, for example, for the fandoms that aren't already there :D), competence porn, fake dating, had to get married for reasons (bonus points if said reason is tax related :D), friends with benefits that grows into feelings, epistolary fic, plotty things, porny things, classic tropes being used for good or evil; basically I'm happy to be sold on anything.
I don't like: non-con, torture, grimdark for the sake of grimdark, abuse or basically anything that would usually be warned for. I prefer happy endings, but if a wistful or bittersweet place is where your story goes, that's fine. I just don't like suffering for the sake of suffering.
Fandom:The Trixie Belden Mysteries - Julie Campbell Tatham & Kathryn Kenny
Trixie Belden Honey Wheeler
As ever, my Yuletide wishes are to gay up the literature of my youth; as such I would love a romance (whether set in period or handwaved to a more modern time!) between Trixie and Honey. If 'shipping them isn't where this fandom takes you, then I'm equally happy with a story that focuses on them as friends--or dealing with a difficult time in their friendship. I like plot, pwp, twists, humour, sincerity and or found-family-feelings and being a Team; basically any story about the Bob-Whites would be a treat.
Fandom:Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold
Kareen Koudelka Delia Koudelka
To quote Ekaterin; Kareen is a delight, and I'd love to see more about her. Before, during or after A Civil Campaign would all be lovely; and I'd really enjoy seeing more about her with her sisters, or her friends, or Mark, or something else I'm completely missing to suggest right now. I'd love to know what you can see her growing into after the events of the one book we see a lot of her in.
Alternately, if the Koudelka sister whose story is speaking more strongly to you is Delia then I'm equally in favour of more about her, or about her and Duv, or--as above--anything about the Koudelka sisters in general, whether as Miles' marching band or as adults or teens or anywhere in between.
Fandom:Star Wars Legends: X-wing Series
Wes Janson (X-wing Series) Derek "Hobbie" Klivian (X-wing series)
I would love either plot fic (give me a missing scene from one of the books) or a slice of life moment, or something shippy--whether it's Wes/Hobbie or one of them as the observer to the other's relationships with other people entirely; mostly I love the way they bounce off each other (especially in Starfighters of Adumar) and am 100% on board for shenanigans, plans, adventures and/or romance.
I love the comics and the books both, but truth be told my heart probably belongs to Wraith Squadron even more than the Rogues. I love a bunch of screwups, I have to say.
I know we only had 4 or 5 chars in the tag set, so let me also add I am absolutely 1000% happy to get anything about ANY of the nommed characters, but also I'd be cool with other characters as well, very much hope this hasn't given my writer a bad moment /o\ Basically shenanigans and interpersonal relationships are my JAM, so if you want to do friendship fic for any of the Big Four or shippy fic (or, uh, space-ship action sequence stuff!) then that is also completely golden. Basically X-Wing pilots forever. <3
Fandom:Baby-Sitters Club - Ann M. Martin
Kristy Thomas Mary Anne Spier
I would love a story focusing on Kristy and/or Mary-Anne; as with my Trixie Belden request, if you can ship them then that's a delightful cherry on top, if not then I'm perfectly happy with friendship fic. Seeing snapshots of their lives as they get older and change/grow would also be great. I would also be super easy for anything about Mary Anne continuing to push against her image as the quiet good girl, or for anything that's about Kristy and sports. Grown up queer/lesbian/bi Kristy would also be excellent for me.
Anyhow, whatever you choose to write, I hope you have a great time writing it and I'm sure I'll love it.
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