Do I emit some kind of special snowflake anti-technological field or something??

May 29, 2012 23:15

Going hard on pictionary clues (lol procrastinating) in between fits of shrieking in rage at my ereader, which is doing the exact same "huh, weird, never seen that before!" error that the one it REPLACED two months ago did. We're trying to explain how pictionary works to L, which apparently we did a little too well, given that his immediate response was "wait, so you could have 'Kaner strips Justin Bieber naked and fucks him on the ice??'" WHAT HAVE WE WROUGHT?

My work truck is also playing extra special silly buggers at the moment and I'm two for two on days this week where it refused to start. We're hopefully getting a new battery (and, more importantly, finding out why it kills a battery every eight months) soon for it; in the mean time I am rocking the jumper leads and swearing a lot.

Rounding that one out, my phone is refusing to send texts when I'm at work, but everything else is functioning so other than some testing tomorrow with Kat's phone to try and narrow down where the fault actually is I'm not hugely worried about that part.

* * *

So, sadly on Friday we had to let Canada take katrin back, which was dumb and mostly we've been coping by planning her and jocondite's ceremony for their marriage of convenience over twitter. SORRY EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS ALL OF US.

We had an awesome time while she was here, though, which involved a lot of delicious food, karaoke, the Shihad documentary (omg so many feelings), Rock Band and not very much actual sleep. We got to watch a bunch of hockey, which was excellent, especially since we also sort of forgot to watch Goon together in LA, so we knocked that one off, too.

Mostly it was a really excellent time and not nearly long enough. &Kat;

* * *

In other exciting news, 2/3 of the Flat are off to Sydney this weekend for SinPoz. (The other third is staying home to watch Eurovision and drink, and is under instructions to film everything. I have met Team Auckland, okay? :D) In relatedish exciting news, the AIHL and NZIHL have fiiiiiiiiiinally got their shit together and tickets to the trans Tasman matches are due to go on sale tomorrow. \o/

* * *

So jocondite, stickmarionette and I got to see Florence and the Machine last night, and just, wow. Her voice is so fucking stunning, you guys. We were close enough to be able to hear her without needing the amplification a lot of the time, too, which was neat, but god, it was just glorious. The crowd was really into it and having a great time as well, it was so fucking much fun. I came out of that show totally keen to see her again, the band were great as well, and now I can add "desperate desire to see Florence Welch sing a duet with Peter Gabriel" to my List of Musical Mad Wants Which Will Never Happen. (tbf, the rest of the list is "Panic covering Stay (Faraway So Close)" and "Kris Allen covering Josh Ritter's Galahad" so it's probably the most reasonable/least embarrassing thing on there... :D)

Dog Days Are Over was particularly amazing, but I guess that's not surprising, because it's Chicago in 2009 and it's Mt Smart in 2010 and Brisbane a month later; it's an Oilers win and driving down the freeway with my best friends; it's just- I realise this borders on heresy, but it fucking felt like Streets last night. It truly did.

* * *

And after having wasted a good four hours of my evening fighting tooth and nail to get zombies on my reading device, all the segues I could have put into this entry have fallen out of my head and "going to bed early" is 100% the thing on my to do list that I've failed at most spectacularly, so I think I'll be leaving it here. This is not the LJ post you're looking for, apparently. <3 We're all fine here. How are you?

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shenanigans, hockey, kat, florence, gigs, music, flatmates

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