Oh, I guess here is also 50% of what I wrote on the plane?

Apr 08, 2012 16:55

(The other 50% is an actual wip, so fingers crossed?)

Lololol. So we’re on exactly the same airline I came over on, and i know this because I’m in exactly the same seat (the knowledge of which saved me 80 airpoints when I appeared to have lost my boarding pass, WELL DONE PAST SELF) and the seat back in front of me is still BROKEN EXACTLY THE SAME AS IT WAS THREE WEEKS AGO. I’m gonna point that out to them a little more obviously this time. Also i have the glory of not having anyone sitting directly beside me so the middle seat is currently holding my three jumpers (sorry people around me, too hot to wear anything over my unkempt and unwashed shersey) and my laptop case.

The middle seat seatback pocket is currently holding my ereader and the Nora Roberts I have as a backup to my 1953 hockey book (love you $1 clearance bookstore at Fallbrook) and my Scott Westerfeld, which it must be admitted I just finished reading and was excellent. Hooray alt history! Hooray steampunk! Hooray excellent lady characters and girls dressing as boys! \o/ I also finished Libba Bray’s Beauty Queens (memo to good reads!) which was pretty good although maybe a little too meta. Which: i know, I’ve met me, I love meta but it was a little on the nose? Still definitely interesting and well enough written that I was sorry it wasn’t longer; I’d definitely try reading her again. I’d like to see what she’s like without the social commentary framework/conceit that that one had.

I’m now reading another random YA called Love Story (? Sadly not the Taylor Swift song. Which: you better believe I’m planning on listening to on the inflight entertainment. I also plan to try and watch Bridesmaids later when I have brain. Maybe also the Emperor’s New Groove. Also the Wedding Singer, GOD but you’re good Air NZ, love youuuuu.)

...i’m not gonna lie i’m also excited about having purchased from Kohls/Target variously copies of Clueless and Happy Gilmore on DVD. Probs I should’ve seen the hockey thing coming much earlier given how much Happy Gilmore is part of my regular quote factory brain. Whoops.

I would also like to write for Kat+Hannah later, because Hallsy and Ebs oh my godddd I love them so fucking much. (ugh, unexpected big bump of turbulence. Do NOT love that.) Also wish bro in front of me would have his seat back up a little more b/c is awkward to have my laptop out now. And considering we just got asked to make sure all small humans were securely fastened (! That’s a new one, okay they said babies and small children BUT STILL) then I suspect some more bumps coming. They did warn us. I’d like to not wear my dinner/supper thanks. Shersey!! (seriously I am still way too over-excited about my shersey. It’s the greatest. Il all Kats. ♥ Jordan Eberle ♥ seeeeeriously do me on it. And by it I mean him. Probably. I’ll reconsider the gay thing. :D?

I have to remember to order my brother’s Chicago Bulls jersey when I get home. Or a Miami one. Possibly both. w/e. I’ll look at the counterfeit site and see how we go. Sorry, American Industry. Il my brother but I’m not paying 100$+ to get him a basketball jersey when he can get a perfectly good fake down at our local mall from the $1-30 dollar store place. :D? [SECRET GENIUS PLAN REDACTED FOR SECRECY!] :DDD

Part of me wants to just paw through all my hockey pictures rn but to be honest I’d rather carefully husband my battery so I can hopefully watch Goon later and maybe the winter classic alumni game although tbh I can’t FIND that file so maybe I forgot to transfer it over? In which case: well done, past me, way to be distracted. Hee.

In semi-related news, just read Gentille’s fantasy season run down. I’m still super smug about mine. I mean, Lacy beat the pants off all of us, possibly - I’d have to check - to the extent that Rob and I combined couldn’t actually match her, but I definitely came in a solid second. Sorry, Rob. :D? The fact we had the can’t cut list turned on definitely screwed him for a while; sorry, bro. Though that being said, it taking me until JANUARY to realise I could put Crosby on the IR and pick up another forward meant I missed out on a bunch of stuff. Whoops. You’re welcome, Philly, btw, for Briere’s hat trick less than 24 hours after I dropped him to reup Crosby. (Moulson’s numbers were better! So I kept him!) Mostly I am godawful smug about having taken Lundqvist in first and then grabbing Mike Smith and Emery. Rolling three goalies and three D seemed to work pretty well, since it’s... not like you have much trouble with PIMs with Lucic on your team. LOL BEARS. Pretty sure I got PIMs from Razor, too. Heee. Shattenkirk was pretty good for me, too, even if he is a Blue. Ugh I really like Phoenix in a way I can’t actually explain and so as much as I hope they get the Pacific I don’t want to face them OR QUICK OR RINNE OKAY in the first round. Urk. No great options there tbh. Would def rather face Nemo. Sorry, bro. Not that the Sharks deserve 3rd at all right now. But even though I’d then have to turn around and most likely hope they lose I would be happy for them if they got a divisional title. &Jets 1.0; [OBVIOUSLY I RECANT ALL THIS NOW, SORRY YOTES, GET OUT OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE]

Okay I’m gonna go read some tabs now. <3 And then I have the rest of Dira’s book to read, too, if I can handle that much backlighting. Hey, an hour down! \o/

* * *

BREAK FOR CHATFIC!! Hallsy and Ebs puppysitting! (Obviously inspired by Baby Oilers Visit the Animal Shelter, a Cabbie Production of Glory, Justice and Fuzzy Baby Animals)



Kat: They really are terrible actors
Hallsy should get Ebs a puppy for Valentine's Day.

me: terrrrrrrrrrible
they're not responsible enough!
they should get someone else they can visit often a puppy

Kat: Okay, that is a salient point
Hallsy should borrow a puppy from someone?

me: absolutely

Kat: Except it backfires, because Ebs insists on the puppy sleeping in their room.

me: heeeeeeeeeeeeee

Kat: "She's away from home! She'll be sad and lonely! you wouldn't do that to her, would you?" Ebs asks, and thrusts the puppy into Hallsy's face.

me: and the puppy is really really cute.
but Hallsy also kind of wanted to do naked things with Ebs
and he can't do that if someone's watching. :(

Kat: Exactly.
Maybe Hallsy gets up early to take her out, and then lets her play in the rest of the apartment while he wakes up Ebs. She's only wrecked one pair of shoes by the time they get back to her, it's nbd

me: and they can afford it. small price to pay.

Kat: Exactly
Like, she's awfully cute, and also Hallsy's feeling pretty loose and smug, so he's pretty willing to cuddle her a bit and then maybe buy new shoes.

me: It probably helps that they're his shoes. Because Ebs is also post-coital and kind of smug that the puppy's smart enough to go for Hallsy's shit and not his own, so everyone wins.

Kat: Yep!
... oh god, they should steal Nahla in this scenario BRB IGNORING GEOGRAPHY

me: hey maybe in a way to do with no horrible injuries OR heart-breaking trades Tubes somehow gets called up again and THEN puppy?

but yes. Hallsy and Ebs are puppysitting Nahla so Tubes can, idk, go out and try to get some with his ladyfriend. they don't need to go out because they have banging on tap at home. Ebs isn't sure he's comfortable with that word choice.

Kat: Tubes just calls it like he sees it, okay

me: and he sees them being pretty gd handsy when he's just trying to hang out and watch movies, okay, he's just saying
at least if he hangs out with the kids over at Jonesy's they have the decency to not paw at each other blatantly.
(i'm apparently super onboard with Nuge/Petry, fwiw)

Kat: would read

me: :D

Kat: Hallsy looks really big and clumsy when he's holding Nahla, but she loves him and spends a lot of time crawling all over him and licking his face.

me: and honestly, Ebs can sympathise.

Kat: totally
It's not Hallsy's fault he's so irresistible.

me: actually, what i want is Hallsy totally trying to play down how much he wants to puppy-sit by saying that she spends a lot of time crawling all over him and licking his face and someone else being all 'so does Ebs. your point?' and Ebs would be outraged but he sort of can't argue and just ends up laughing too.
and then what you said. oh Hallsy.

Kat: ahahahaha yes, win.

me: :D

Kat: Hallsy tries to replace the shoes she wrecked - not the good ones he wears with his suits, luckily - and just ends up with a bunch of toys and different kinds of treats, and also a new leash. It's pink.

me: lololol ilu Hallsy

Kat: He tripped and fell over it all, okay. He didn't mean to. But also he's determined to be the best puppy uncle ever.

me: does Ebs also come home with a bunch of toys?

Kat: Possibly.

me: :D

Kat: Ebs picked out awesome superhero shit, and also a tiny argyle sweater.

me: omgggg
Tubes totally fistbumped him over the superhero stuff.

Kat: Yep.

me: Nahla drools all over the leash though, which Hallsy points out means she loves him best

Kat: The pink goes best with her fur, okay, fuck you, Eberle.

me: depending on who else is around Ebs might just look him up and down -- which he's way smoother at, thank you very much -- and be like "maybe later"
Hallsy drops the leash.

Kat: Too bad, Hallsy, she knows you have it and you're not going to get any relief till she's had her walk.

me: Hallsy wants to turn the walk into a run but Ebs is just all "we should go to the park!"
Ebs is a giant tease.

Kat: YES

me: so then Ebs sits on the swings and watches while Hallsy runs Nahla in circles to burn off some of her energy. and so they can go home sooner.

Kat: This girl comes up to Hallsy and starts petting Nahla a bit, but mostly talking to Hallsy, and Ebs is pretty sure he knows the look in her eyes - it's not even recognition, it's just flirting

me: i... have nowhere to go with that rn. is Ebs going to be slightly jealous even though he knows he shouldn't be? is Hallsy going to cluelessly chat and then wander back to Ebs and casually wrap an arm around him while still talking?

Kat: Maybe Ebs comes over, ready to be kind of pissy and standoffish, but then Hallsy grabs at him a little and slings his arm over his shoulders?

me: that works

Kat: This poor random girl just keeps smiling and talking about her cat, but is disappointed and continues not to recognise them.

And when Ebs is like "She was hitting on you," Hallsy's like "No, she wasn't," kneejerk, and then after a second of thought, "anyway, she's not my type."

me: maybe they head home again, and Hallsy and Nahla run up the stairs, but they have to wait for Ebs anyway because he's the one with the keys.

then they put Nahla in the laundry with a cushion (covered with a towel, because they're suckers but they're not dumb) and some water and food, and close the door. She's pretty tuckered out, so she flops down right away and doesn't even blink when Hallsy closes the door gently behind himself.
he's less gentle when he pounces on Ebs immediately


me: he presses Ebs up against the wall beside their bedroom and kisses him, mouth warm and insistent.
that doesn't last for long, though, because Ebs braces himself and pushes back, spinning them around and shoving Hallsy through the open doorway towards the bed


me: Hallsy goes down easy, but he keeps hold of Ebs' wrists as he does, and drags him down too. Ebs goes happily, crawling up the bed, not all that careful about where his knees go. Hallsy grumbles a little, but when Ebs leans in and pushes his hands back into the mattress he exhales softly and just beams at Ebs. "Thought I was fucking you?" Hallsy says, shifting his hips a little, testing.
"Maybe," Ebs says, and lets go of one hand - Hallsy doesn't move it - to start unbuttoning Hallsy's jeans. "You're not exactly hard yet, so."

Hallsy doesn't bother to point out that it's not going to him take all that long. It's not like Ebs doesn't know that.

…and then we got distracted by time being linear and humans needing sleep, sigh.

* * *

Heyyyy we’re being trusted with silverware again. Excellent. Also dear Air NZ, excellent dinner roll.
...hrm. This random Ladd/EStaal fic is actually pretty good. We should fix that up. Also, the Jeff/Eric fic I just found is a) cute as hell and b) nearly done. Lol, past!self.

[and then I went to write about Cam Ward and rewatched Goon (just as gay the second time!) and then a bunch of Buffy.]

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chatifc, fic, hockey, usa12

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