In which I completely fail at segue. I'm sure I'd fail at segway, too.

Feb 04, 2012 23:28

Without getting into it, let's just say this week kind of ate my face, okay? Or, you know. The majority of the last couple weeks have.


On the upside, I have just this minute finished everything I Absolutely Had To Do Today (it was the dishes, updating the flat accounts and make dinner, so let's face it, not exactly ambitious!), so now I am going to kick back and try to close some more tabs.

I have also just friended a bunch of people, so, uh, hi! Hello! :D? If I have friended you, you are obviously under no obligation, and I apologise for how long it's taken me in some of these cases. (See previous, re: face-eating.)

I don't think I've posted for a while, but the summary is probably: work, seeing family, my brother moving into his house which I haven't gotten to see yet (worst sister!), impressing my brother by knowing who DRose is (more sister points than you can imagine; thanks people who know who you are!), watching the Good Wife (oh my goddddddd show how are you so perfect?), watching Fringe (ihni what's going on but it's still grate), watching Revenge (*shakes fist at sky while shouting REVENGEEEEEE!*) and watching hockey (Alberta, why are you filled with heartbreak :( )

I also, uh, came out to my mother?

So that happened. It was deeply awkward because that is how I roll, and I still feel super dumb because it took me this long, but it turns out the flaw in the "I'll deal with this when I get a ladyfriend!" plan was, well, the plan, so. Oops? But she was pretty much unbothered, which is good. Yay my mum. <3

I also ran for eleven minutes without stopping this morning, which I realise is not exactly the achievement of the century, but is definitely a LOT longer than I have ever in my life managed before, so I'm trying to be like "yay me!" and stop adding qualifiers.

Tomorrow: apply the brilliant idea I had about the garden to reality, possibly bake cookies, watch all of the hockey, grab
the_antichris and probably go see the new Sione's Wedding movie. \local content!/

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failing at life, friends, the flat, hockey, pinko commie hippie queer

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