Am I seriously the only person who knows what scroll lock does?

Nov 16, 2011 23:52

Man, this journal entry would've been so much more interesting had I actually ANSWERED the call from the police at 1.30am.

...but it was 1.30am and I was like "fuck no am I answering a call from a blocked number, leave me a message." (They did not.) And then I spent the next half hour worried that my mum and Bronwen were calling for bail or something. (They went to see Cesar Milan last night. Bronwen trying to DogWhisperernap that man wouldn't surprise me at ALL. *g*)

So my manager wound up being the one who actually answered his phone, and then had to drive out to the site at 2am to turn the malfunctioning alarm off. They also called basically everyone who works there, so we were ALL pretty euuuuuuuuuurgh this morning. I was extra special super clumsy (things I dropped include my phone and basically every non-glass piece of equipment I touched, well played self) and was all WHAT THE FUCK SELF YOU HAD SIX HOURS SLEEP SUCK IT UP except I guess it doesn't help to go to bed early when your sleep comes in two parts? Also I guess the previous three nights in a row of the Dreaded Five Hours are still catching up with me. tl;dr, sleep is dumb why do I have to do it. :(

Managed to wangle doing a giant favour for work (and 70 more minutes of overtime in the bank, doot doot doot) with getting down to Hamilton for free to have dinner with
confluencekid, so that part was cool. We dined luxuriously on Burger Fuel, picked through the excellent second hand bookstore on Victoria St, and then wandered around until we found an open coffee place, and the weather was superb and the company was excellent. <3 And then I returned her to her conference accomodation in the Glorious Waikato University Soviet Hall of Residence.

And then I was very careful driving home and I don't think I broke the speed limit, but omg, I was trading out an old van for a new one, and it is the newest car I have ever driven - 56 miles on the odometer. Oh god. - and it is both terrifying and kind of awesome. I had to BRAKE while driving UP the Bombays, which is an experience I have never had before and will probably never have again. o_O Also the part where I temporarily lost the car keys was not my finest hour. Oops. BUT IT WAS OKAY AND NOW I'M HOME SAFE.

And talking to the internet about the Deepwater trilogy. \o/ Fandom of my childhood heaaaaaaaaaart.

But okay. Yeah. I should, like, try that going to bed early thing again. Maybe this time it'll work.

(Hey the internet, remember that time we broke the bed on the Hellmouth? That was a good time. We should do that again. The Holiday Inn and New Years party, that is, not the bed breaking. When did we want that reunion again? Did we settle on 2013?)

Also guess who has two thumbs and permission to leave early tomorrow? THIS GUYYYYYY. Best boss. Couch, I'mma be seeing you again in about sixteen hours!

This post is already too long (sorry), but since most of you decided to meme yesterday and I suspect that ship has sailed, I just wanted to say that if anyone does actively want to ask me stuff you should totally feel free to do so anyway. Answers on a postcard! ...I would actually do that literally but we all know my rate of return for the post office isn't stellar. So perhaps in an LJ comment will suffice?

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shenanigans, cleveland, inner jeremy clarkson is terrifying, deepwater, nice pile of rocks

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