Things: A list

Aug 04, 2011 20:39

1. Nightmare and the Cat are playing a Lolla-thingy** afterparty in Chicago on the 6th. I cannot rec this band highly enough, they are SO GOOD. SO SO GOOD. Show details are here. I know it's a late night, but it's a Saturday at least, and I am basically green with envy at anyone who can see them anywhere ever. Because they are so fucking great.

But seriously: if you are in the greater Chicago area and feel up to it: please give them a shot. If you are on my flist and you go I will totally buy you a drink at my earliest opportunity. :D?

**TM NotDrey, iirc? I like using it, anyhow.

2. I totally just got three pairs of socks with zebra designs on them for $2. \o/ (Mystery shopping ftw!)

3. So
the_antichris and I went for our first ice skating lesson last night. It was fun! I didn't fall, although, you know, very much a "there but for the grace of tawg" situation because lol, balance, how does it fucking work. I clearly need to go back to doing yoga balance exercises at work while I'm waiting on timers because I know I had been slightly better last year at standing on one foot than I am right now. But they explained how to stop and then made us skate backwards. HILARIOUSLY AWFUL AT THAT. All of you who've grown up where ice happens in nature may laugh hysterically at me now. *g*

3a. Mostly we also discussed how we were sad our parents didn't make us learn to skate when we were small bbs with no fear of falling. And then we discussed how newer cellphones are harder to stash in bras. This was a LOGICAL LEAP, okay? :D

4. SURPRISE BUZZ MCNAB ON SG-1! I mean, not really, because Vancouver: thisbig, but hey. \Canadian Actor Bingo/ (This is on the list because it literally just happened as I was trying to remember my original #4.)

5. Once again was tempted to take a photograph of the stirfry we had for dinner so I could send it to my mother as proof I am actually eating vegetables, no really. #worstadult

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