I just don't even know, you guys.

May 15, 2011 23:23

Internets, I know I am posting a lot this weekend, but let's face it, I have like a month of backlog, so hopefully you will forgive me?

I have a- problem is not the right word. I have a Thing that I need to ramble around the edges of, because I think I know what to do, but I would appreciate input.

I have spent the last four years hoping that Panic never play a festival down here, because festivals down here are historically... kinda rough, mostly.

Of course, they're playing fucking Soundwave this year.

I really, really, really REALLY don't want to go to Soundwave. Firstly because I decided back in 2002, ffs, that I was too old and broken to deal with festival rail anymore (tl;dr, let's just say I spent the entirety of the Foo Fighters' set with my back to the stage boosting girls out of the pit because security wasn't doing SHIT, before finally deciding to get myself the fuck out of there because so much stupidity was going on), secondly because like a bunch of us, I got BADLY burned last year with Soundwave and swore that I was never going to get a festival ticket for JUST ONE BAND ever again because the risk of getting stuck with the tickets when they cancel on you is too high. :( And frankly, there's a couple bands on Soundwave I wouldn't mind seeing, but no one I would pay Soundwave amounts of money to see without Panic in the equation as well.

The thing is, if it was an Auckland show it wouldn't be such a big deal - I could probably sell the ticket or give it away if I had to and I'd be really cranky about losing the money but could consider it a gift to the universe, but if I go for Soundwave I have travel costs as well, and those will be MINIMUM five hundred bucks, and probably closer to eight hundred. Plus another probably-two hundred for the ticket. (Our dollar is seriously crap against the Aussie dollar.)

I just. I keep listening to Vices and Virtues and if this is my only chance to hear stuff off that live I can't bring myself to miss it. And I am closing tabs right now and finally had the emotional fortitude to watch the footage from the Madison protests which is set to fucking Rebellion (Lies) and made me remember that if I had entirely stuck to my guns on FESTIVALS FOR ONE BAND ARE A BAD IDEA, SELF then I would never have seen Arcade Fire and I would regret that eternally since they're clearly never coming back ever again.

But. I just. I don't KNOW. I really fucking don't want to spend that much money on a ticket I can't get refunded if they ditch out. If I try for Melbourne (they did confirm that show now, right?) I can at least visit friends if it doesn't happen, but... yeah. We won't know whether or not any Sidewaves will happen until closer to the time (please please please), and we absolutely cannot depend on any happening anyway. And if they do, there won't be much warning, so flights get stupid expensive again. :/

Like. I don't want to be that whiny entitled fangirl, but when you can't guarantee the band and they're not coming closer than this, it becomes a painfully expensive wager. GAH.

I think that what I'm going to do is keep an eye on flights, and if we get down to the wire and there aren't any Sidewaves, I'll assume that I should be able to get a ticket from someone trying to sell a last minute one/box office drop (right? there's usually a bunch of those, right Australia? Right? IS MY PLAN AT ALL USEFUL?) and just go to the festival. What do other people think?

The other thing is... the last Australian tour was one of the most fun things I have EVER done, it was such a great experience, but that was ACTUAL SHOWS, obviously, and not festivals, and those were all so much closer together - I will have ONE DAY off work available to me by then, ONE, and so I can only do one show this time anyway, unless something arranges itself spectacularly serendipitiously vis a vis Sidewaves/a mystery Auckland show, and I want to see my FRIENDS, I love that feeling of walking the line and recognising half the people in it, I want us to get to do that again.

I JUST REALLY MISS MY STUPID BAND, OKAY. :( I mean, obviously they need to fucking go back to Canada already because Canada's been dicked over a million times worse than we have, but. If they're coming this close I want to go. :(

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[don't] panic, stupidest issues ever, i am a wretch

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