
May 09, 2011 21:57

blademistress and I just had a small fit of mutual hysterics -- we were watching Fast and the Furious with L (in preparation for rewatching the Psych episode -- what, our life choices are the MOAST VALID) in the living room when we heard the virtually inaudible crinkle-crinkle sound of the tin foil above my bed eeeeeever so slowly peeling itself away from the wall.

...I don't know, you maybe had to be there. But it was hilarious. If she was a magical fairytroll that would totally be her signature sound.

(I taped it back up. WHAT. I like how it looks! I am aesthetically a Slytherin, even if I have never had the stomach for not trying to be all goody-good and pi.)

In unrelated news, today I heard Ready to Go on the radio! ♥ IDK, you guys, I think it might be the Vices and Virtues equivalent of Pas de Cheval, in that I genuinely like it more every time I hear it. Like, you'd think there'd be a limit somewhere there but nope, I think it's an asymptote. ♥_♥

I had to run by the dentist tonight, which was, well, okay, my new dentist is somewhat socially maladept? Not offensively so (in my current experience), but he's a bit of an odd duck. However, that was also possibly also the least painful filling ever (ie, I didn't even FEEL it), he was super fast AND he gave me a discount for no reason I can figure other than possibly that I was really rocking my "I am completely unconcerned by any drilling type of things you may be doing at this present" act. Or, you know, sympathy for my bank balance. Which my account sure appreciates!

OH GOD, SUDDEN REALISATION: you could make the most amazing Lord King Bad Vid for 2Fast2Furious to "Secret Tunnel" y/n/mfy/what crack are you on? :D?

[Rainchecking once again on posts I keep meaning to make. For my reference: U2, USA11, MJ, USA11, hockey, intro, poll, Shihad for Molly. Not necessarily in that order.]

ETA: OH GOD IT JUST HAPPENED AGAIN! Apparently I stuck it up poorly, because the same section came down again, and this time it also committed fratricide. *giggles like mad* Let's try this again! (Mostly because it'll probably be far less entertaining at 3am.)

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[don't] panic, a:tla, fast and the furious, flat of trolling

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