Come to think of it, I suspect Izzy and Blade would get on TERRIFYINGLY well.

Mar 15, 2011 22:21

I feel like I should get all the points today for not actually writing "the Ides of March" on any of my paperwork, despite really, really wanting to.

Also, while I think of it-- I suspect several of you will be able to sympathise with my initial moment of slack-jawed "what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" at finding that T&T Childrenswear are having a sale at the moment under the aegis of "WINTER IS COMING!"


I have a download of Vices and Virtues sitting patiently on my desktop for listening soon (I probably could have actually listened to it on facebook on the media PC at work, but I didn't reaaaaaaally want to have ~all of the feelings at work, so) and I need to tidy my room rather desperately, so I really need to get my act together and crowbar myself away from the internet.

I should now have emailed everyone (er, aside from the casa de salida, that is) who had expressed an offer to let various combinations of fangirls crash on their couches/floors/spare futons/&c and to whom I'd previously given an indication that we'd try to take them up on it. If you are sansets, runaground, dynamicsymmetry, janet_carter or lilac_one and you do not have an email from me, please prod me over whatever medium is most convenient and let me know what email I should be approaching you over.

...if you are in the casa de salida, then frankly at this point in our lives I'm just assuming all will continue to be awesome and I will see your lovely faces in FIFTEEN DAYS WHAT. (I will probably be a grownup and email you our flight details again for your informations, but that's less urgent. Also we are renting a car. So I can make sure that
jocondite gets to spend a little bit of time DRIVING DOWN THE ONE-OH-ONE. :DDD)

I have the squirmies of "oh shiiiit" and "I SUCK" going on right now, because, well, tl:dr, but we did a thing today and for other even MORE tl:dr reasons we had to do it differently to normal, and the upshot of THAT was that I kind of forgot to turn a switch from "OFF" back to "ON" and the new guys trying to make stuff work didn't realise that this more-difficult-to-access switch EXISTED so the plant was down for an hour (protip, we're talking thousands of dollars cost for this kind of downtime) and then they called in the electrician and I can only imagine how embarrassing this was for all concerned down there when they figured it out, and they were pretty nice about it when they called to let us know, but omggggg. CURLING IN A BALL OF SHAME. :/ Realistically I know that this is the first time in almost five years that I've done anything like that, and I was so not the only one who messed up, but. :/ Mrrrh.

Okay. Right. Now I need to triage my to do lists again, do eight million other things, and try not to focus on how I am ~NOT PREPARED.

(What would I do without Mark to read four mornings a week? DON'T ANSWER THAT. Ugh I am SO EXCITED he starts S5 in, like, TWO DAYS. ♥Ponnnnnnnnnnnds♥ ♥Eleven♥)

Oh! Last question: I kind of want to throw a practice-pictionary party (and general party for people who can't make it to the con) in my journal some time this weekend -- if you feel a modicum of interest in partaking, please let me know? I would tickybox it all up for you but doing that cross-platform is kind of a pain in the ass and it's already 10.10pm and hoshit I just remembered I have trademe stuff to deal with too, so, uh, idk, just raise a hand (o/!) in the comments, I guess?

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[don't] panic, classics nerd, usa2011, no good very bad pile of rocks

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