I have cable here and there's still nothing on. Music channel 63 it is!

Mar 04, 2011 20:38


Jabba the Fluff just watched me shower.

...so, okay, I think mostly just the cat thinks if she stares at me long enough I will a) turn into her owners (who she likes more) or b) give her food she likes more or c) possibly turn INTO food she likes more? I'm not sure which. Either way, I am on her shit list for being Not Her Humans and also Bringing a Strange Kitty (who, little does she know, is also coming back in about two hours), and she is refusing to eat. Again. I've decided not to worry about it because she pulls this trick a good fifty percent of the time when I house sit, and if she's hungry she'll eat eventually. /staunch!

ION, my manager is awesome, because he came in this afternoon when I was seriously starting to hit the "no I really don't have that much I can do right now" fidgets and said "we're hoping to get everyone out an hour early tonight, so if you want to leave before then since you start an hour earlier than us, go for it." SO AWESOME. \o/

So I went to the mall and spent my last gift voucher and single white femaled Kat by buying basically the same pair of shoes she owns. Which turned out to be 50% off. Yessss. Also, Westfield are matching donations to the Red Cross at the moment (although to a cap of a quarter million, so I suspect they'll hit that tomorrow if they haven't already) so that may be of some use to some of you. (I also scared the crap out of myself by giving myself a (seems to have been) temporary rash from (I can only conclude) my Farmers bag. Wtf, body. Seriously. Suck it up.)

I am starting to hit serious flail/freakout point about organising stuff, so hopefully I'll make some more progress on that tomorrow. I will also get to see the flatmates (plural; boy!L is reportedly moving in tomorrow, yay less rent!) during the day, as I am reminding myself that kitties can in fact mostly look after themselves. Aaah everything is real soon and I am so not prepared. (Relatedly, I have ~all of the feelings about where Mark is up to in Who. <3 Turn Left was the episode that sucked me in to New Who, I am just saying.)

Last night I sat in the upstairs bathroom with her for an hour reading fic while she paced around and complained about how she has the very hardest life of any kitty, with occasional breaks for skritches. \kitty!/ I may have made her watch the internets with me for a little bit. :D

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abby, house sitting, nice pile of rocks

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