It's the pelvic THRUST! That really drives you insaaAAAaaaaaAAAaane!

Sep 13, 2010 21:46

Oops, so I didn't post for multiple days again? IDKY that keeps happening?

Hrm. What have I been doing recently? I feel like we made A LOT ("a lot") of hilarious comments on the weekend, but since I shifted to 2 degrees and thus can't even tweet mobilely any longer, those have been lost to posterity. I'm sure everyone on my timeline is LOL SAD about this. *g*

We went out Saturday night for early birthday dinner for
stickmarionette, which was super tasty, and then followed that up with more hanging out and giggling (as is our collective wont), wound up home around 3am and then had food hangovers the next day, because seriously, ALL OF THE FOOD.

Semi-helpfully we attempted to make cake; there was some assorted muppetry on my part going on with the icing scenario, and then my mother insisted on covering it with a tea towel before we left. May I point out at this point a) it was no longer raining all that hard 2) the cake was still warm and iii) was iced with melted marshmallow, icing and milk chocolate drops and then OOPS) physics happened.

The tea towel was very delicious when I nommed it? /least classy


Last week was mostly filled with work being crazier than anticipated, me being stuck on a course for two days (it was actually useful, though! And also featured me having to interact professionally with one of my tutors from uni, WEIRD. NZ: thisbig!) and aside from the course lecturer having occasional fits of TMI (oh god FAR too British for this DDDD:) it was what I was hoping it would be and also far less infuriating/time-wastey (by orders of magnitude) than the last course I did. I also got to horrify a room full of scientists by explaining my deep and rational loathing of the 'science' (bunny ears SO INTENDED OH GOD) that I have to do for one of my tests. YOU GUYS I REALLY LIKE SCIENCE OKAY? IT'S KINDA NEAT. Although I felt semi-useless for much of the course because oh god so not using my degree ahahahaaaoops? I guess if I had to reup my chemistry in a hurry I probably could? But I am like "lol HPLC I can remember what it stands for if not what it looks like? :D?" *facepalm*

I did have kind of a Day the first day, wherein my day began ignominously with falling flat on my back on the wooden deck on my way to the train station. It happened so fast (and unexpectedly) that I wasn't even remotely prepared and didn't even try to save myself, but nor did I fall particularly well. Not gonna lie, it fucking hurt. :/ And then the train was quite late, which was the point I realised I'd also forgotten my phone and thus a) couldn't cling at people and b) had no goddamn clue what time it was, and then they changed the Express (when it finally arrived) to a stops-all-stations, so it was both way more packed than usual (admittedly, for an Auckland value of packed, which I kind of went "lol no" at), and filled with people hating their lives, so that was also cheerful. On the up side, there were so many people packed in and it was so screwed up that the conductors actively gave up on even trying to collect fares so it was free? Also then I got coffee. It's the simple things. :D

The second day of the course I made the fabulously mature decision to sit in the lobby and turn up 7 minutes late so I could try to buy my U2 ticket. Considering that when I did slink in they were still dithering about something, I feel I won that quite comprehensively. \o/

Friday kicked our asses again at work, Saturday I've already covered, and Sunday I spent entirely in my pajamas. I can't even remember what we did, other than To Do List stuff and watching the Tenth Kingdom (♥! 2/3 through now! Being good and not watching it tonight, though.)

Today I left
michanna carrying the can entirely at work again and was summoned for jury duty; thankfully the trial I wound up on is a) not personally triggering and b) hopefully only going to run two days? So fingers crossed. IDK how the rest of the week will go, but we will see.

And tonight when I finally got home T and I broke out the Zumba DVD we borrowed from J at work. MOAST LOL UNCOORDINATED. I don't know, you guys, I gather people really dig this? And I like dancing? But the people on the DVD need to EXPLAIN BETTER for people who are UNFIT AND BAD AT THIS. Hee. Maybe we'll take a class at some point; I think the DVDs work better if you've had RL humans explaining stuff too. Although yelling stuff at exercise video people always makes me feel better, and I think we entertained ourselves a lot with some deliberate pisstake dancing. (T's Godzilla stomp salsa was pretty epic, ngl. As was the monkey whatever-it-was. :D)

Also today we bought Adam Lambert tickets, for which we basically blame the internet. It's all GA (ahahahaaa oh god) so it should be a ~~experience (with glitter. Alllllll the glitter. She says, as if she was not in the SLIGHTEST prone to glitter bombing the internet for lo these many years now. *polishes halo*)

Aaand now it is time for moar Eureka! \o/

[I feel like there was something else I genuinely needed to/meant to post about, but it is eluding me. Feel free to nudge my failbrain if anyone else can think of important things!]

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