Who looks at a hedgehog and thinks "this could be more Sonic"?

Jul 30, 2010 19:00

Hi internet. :) I know I am a million years behind again (sry especially to people I want to leave comments, esp those of you with whom I have shared rooms at cons/weddings/etc), but we accidently busted our data cap haaaaaaaaaard this week (Leverage was the final straw, apparently. WORTH IT!) so even opening gmail is a challenge right now. I am slowly getting there?

But anyhoo, I have been realising for, um, a week that I haven't really posted? Or talked about what's going on at all? If we had working broadband there would be a major picspam (or three) but, lol no, so. Right now
michanna and I are house-sitting for a friend of B's. I forget if I talked this up much in advance, but we are in cloooooooover, people, it is this ridiculously posh house, which is HUGE, and has a HOT TUB and a POOL and a bathtub in the master bedroom that could seat like 5 anyway (we had a pool party in there last night after work. It was grate.) and fouuuuuuuuuur kitties (even though two of them haven't forgiven us yet for not being Their Humans and we've been here, um, three weeks? sigh. But kitties!)

I haven't really posted much cos work's been fairly busy (and my coworker of Not At All Suited To This Job-ness LEFT, THANK TAWG, but also = busier) and then last week everyone ever got the flu and it was horrible but we tried to walk it off anyway. Er. We didn't actually realise how sick we'd been until we got better and weren't dead and also freezing all the time, so that was also pretty sweet.

Last weekend the Usual Shenanigaters (we need a team name guys. like really. it's too tedious to initial everyone out, especially since three of you HAVE THE SAME INITIAL.) came over on Saturday to stay the night and to marvel at the crazy ridiculous house of awesome, and we accidentally stayed up till after 4am, oops, but it was super fun. &Aucklandpeoples;

I have had Many Thoughts recently and also lots of stuff I keep intending to share and then not getting around to, so, uh, have a hodge-podge?

We also went to
angel_a's birthday the other week, which was also super fun. Mmmm delicious leftovers from Coronation and also fun people and board games and also Rock Band. I thoroughly approve. :D

T. and I have been watching Avatar: the Last Airbender, and it is pretty cool so far. I see why the internet enjoys it. (&SOKKA;!!) We are almost caught up on White Collar (datacap DDDD:) and Psych (datacap DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:), and I am looking forward like whoa to hearing allll about Comic con from
digitalsprawl when we gets to steal her next week (!!)

...which, yes, we also get to steal us a
digitalsprawl next week. \R/ \shihad/ And then the week after THAT, I get to be stolen by Melbourne (\Melbourne!!/) and also get to hopefully steal an
aneli8 as well, to introduce her to the Melbourne fangirls and also for the purposes of much much clinging and hopefully some live music of awesomeness. (On that note: if anyone has a line on extra tickets for either or both Shihad shows in Melbourne? would be SUPER appreciated. Contact me in the usual places pls!)

I... think that's the majority of what I haven't gotten around to? I had to drive Up North for work today, and then help our new staff member get her van to her house, so I spent like five and a half hours driving and am a bit loopy. I got to shout along with my iPod a lot en route though which was sweet (it was having 2005 and 2008 Flashback Tiems, which was... interesting) and I discovered an alternate route which I thoroughly intend to take on my way back next time I go up there for the purposes of Avoiding Traffic and also Finding Interesting New Things to See. New Zealand is awfully pretty you guys. Just in case you weren't sure. We had crazy fog today, too, which lasted until well into the afternoon.

T. is currently passed out asleep on the couch (I am being a Good Person and not taking pictures of her) because LONG WEEK OMG, and I think i will probably wake her up soon so she's not super exhausted/sore in the neck, and then DINNER FOODS YAY.

Oh, right, and the last thing: so I was doing a course for work this week, which was interesting and helpful and all that, although argh omg the AMOUNT OF WORK ahead of me DDDDDDDDD:, but I would like to leave you guys with the thought I texted at Chris on the first day, as she was my partner in crime all through high school maths:


(Chris and I did an amazing nerdy project in our high school stats class where we compared sentence length and adjective use mathematically between Tolkien, Tamora Pierce and Mercedes Lackey. We basically came out with exactly the results you'd expect. :D)

Other things I learned on this course were mostly IL ALL SPREADSHEETS and also I totally got to correct the instructor at one point, which was like \EGO/. Aaaaaand this is all of the burbling; I am going to wind this up now. Pictures may follow if the internet ever comes back.


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