I sent Courtney an email this morning from work bemoaning What My iPod Was Doing To Me Today (I believe I had Streets twice, and the WH Auden from Chicago 2, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED by Peter Gabriel's Don't Give Up and then THAT was followed by Drown Out, and I absolutely had Sunday Bloody Sunday from Auckland 2, which was one of Those SBSs, where it is not a song, it is a wrenching experience that makes you lose track of where you stand in the world) and I was all "WHAT" and "WHY" and then I got home and saw posts and went "oh right. Now it makes sense. It's an anniversary." OF COURSE IT'S AN ANNIVERSARY.
So. Let's talk about bands doing awesome things. Like
this awesome thing:
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...and let's face it, by bands here I am 70% refering to
Exit and only 30% U2, but they are pretty awesome dudes as well. :D
I am the very most spoiled; I am never, ever going to forget standing on my sleeping bag, up on my toes, trying to climb the rail like a monkey as I attempted to figure out what Bono was DOING over on Edge's b-stage, and then having the inevitable and somehow wholly unsurprising moment of realising I know that jacket.
I alluded in the post I made about the Rose Bowl to how happy I was to see Streets red, and I really, really was, but man, I do still love what it became on Vertigo as well. I am still wearing my MakePovertyHistory and One bands from that show, you know? Five years. What. The. Juck.
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