So, our Bandom Big Bang just went live. brb chewing nails down to the quick.
I had all these wonderful, wonderful plans of spending the weekend fixing all the formatting and doing one last paranoia-based edit/readthrough, and then of course on Saturday my computer packed a fit and was still running virus scan and blocking the internet when I got home from work TODAY, which fucked my plans up immensely, and let's face it, deciding to write three thousand words of New Scene yesterday was probably not the wisest of time-management plans, either. Nor was realising this afternoon that I hadn't finished fixing all our mdashes (dear
elucreh, I honestly don't know how you didn't kill us dead. Stupid fonts that don't do them automatically argh.) and... basically, hi, it's 9pm and my eyes are glazing over. *fails rather a lot*
Of course, the AWESOME thing about being assigned opening-day posting is that now I get to enjoy everyone else's fics with a totally clear conscience. \o/ WIN.
And you guys don't have to hear me talk about it any more, either, which I suspect might also be a benefit, heh. Mostly I just wanted to say, for the record,
katrin is the best co-writer ever and she kicked my ass when it needed it and wrote the awesomest bits, and I get her here in like three and half weeks omg yaaaaaaaaaay.
Masterpost is here, if anyone is interested -- Waiting for the Sky to Fall: Bob/Spencer, Brendon/Ryan/Jon; a Bandom Buffy AU. We got ART, you guys. ART. Of BOYS KISSING. It's basically awesome and we win at life. :D (Which is not to forget the awesome mix we got, either, which is going on my iPod now that the computer is working again, hooray. &T;!)
Edit: ahahahaaa and also I broke the DW posting limit with it. Hee. Good to know? But I have to say, I'm kind of ridic impressed that something that takes TEN full posts on LJ is only two on Dreamwidth. \longer posting limit/
But yes. Now I am going to find a snack (I... didn't eat much today? For a change.) and then go read fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic without being a dirty skiver omg this is gonna be SO GOOD.