Please. Learn from my mistakes.

May 20, 2009 22:20 maybe I am being an avoidant child about looking at the beta I just got back and therefore spamming LJ/DW. For the record, our betas are marvellous and clearly possessed of superpowers - less than 48 hours turnaround for one, for 60 000+ words, I am just saying - and also overall positive which is great, I just- I think it's too soon. I opened the file and then I blinked and I was four tabs over. IDK how that happened.) Anyway.

I had a reasonably crappy day yesterday, followed by a most excellent evening - the fail field had me firmly in its grasp and it basically took Star Trek on a fifty foot tall screen to shake it off entirely, and it made a damn good go at sucking other people into it as well immediately before that. So much much yay for blademistress, jessikast and jocondite being both excellent cinema-going companions (we only all snickered a little bit at the suggestive parts! We were marvels of modern decorum! of these comments is a lie. :D) and generally freakin' awesome to hang out with in general. IL all local fangirls. (Today at work I tried to think up suitably kiwi team names for us. No notable success. Don't ask about the discards.) Also they didn't disown me or run screaming when I sort of monopolised the conversation to explain 90% of my fail and demand hugs, which I both feel bad about and appreciate a lot. <3333333

Anyhoo! The point of my post! (Lol has a point for once.)

Five Things You Probably Should Know. (No, No Reason. Honest. I'm Just Guessing.)

1. Lymph nodes + pumice + moisturiser = BAD IDEA
Because do you know what that equals? That equals OWWWWWWWWW MOTHERFUCKING OW. I was in the shower and all "huh, stupid underarm is itchy, that is so annoying" and I had pumice in my hand at the time. ...the worst part was that I noticed absolutely nothing but a cessation of the itching until five minutes before I planned to go to bed, at which point there was a sudden surge of "jfc why do I hurt really a lot all of a sudden wtf did I doooooooooo? oh." And then I reached for the closest moisturiser in the hopes that would soothe irritated skin. WRONG. WRONG WRONG OWW. I should perhaps have remembered the closest moisturiser was the body butter crap that my skin doesn't like much generally and I leave by the computer so I can use it on my legs which is about the only skin that will tolerate it. You'd think I'd have learned by now.

2. Getting frustrated with appalling ridiculous traffic and yelling "WHY AREN'T YOU PEOPLE AT HOME EATING DINNER???" is probably also a mistake.
Because the jogger who just ran across the road will look at you like you are some kind of crazed criminal mastermind.

3. Stopped at a traffic light at 11.50pm in the pouring rain is not a good time to try to unhook the strap from an adjustable bra.
Your shirt will get caught up in the seat belt and if the bra is flesh-coloured you will look really fucking dodgy trying to both get the stupid halter-style strap that has been killing your neck for seven and a half hours off, and also the presence of other cars arriving at the intersection will only make trying to yank your shirt back down again harder. And by harder I mean impossible. And then the light will go green anyway and you'll have to drive to the next red light like that. OR SOME SIMILAR SCENARIO, GEE, I DON'T KNOW.

4. Sometimes the cinema in town does do assigned seating. Probably you should ask about this before handing over your eftpos card.
Also you should probably check that you know where the rest of your party is sitting first, too. It's kind of mean to break the cinema staff twice inside of a fortnight.

5. Sometimes a flat car battery is just the powers that be telling you to chuck it all in and go get a coffee from the place 10kms away. To give the car a run! No personal gain whatsoever!
And by 'the powers that be' I mean 'an actual boss-type person' specifically suggesting that as an alternative to ending up having to jumpstart you a second time in one day. \o/

star trek, i fail at life, shindig, fangirls

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