On the weekend I wrote and watched NCIS and saw Star Trek. The less said about today the better.

May 11, 2009 20:20

Going to bed early, having not written (well, aside from about 800 words of id-fic choose your own adventure porn for Kat, but i don't think that counts), because I am all BLAH.

Protip, kids: do not make pronouncements like "we need to work harder or I will wind up throwing up with stress!" because your body will inevitably take that as a fucking challenge and do so for entirely unrelated reasons. Not cool, body, not cool at all. :/

Right. More NCIS. And maybe toast.

In totally unrelated news that is ACTUALLY awesome, I went out to have coffee with jocondite yesterday and it was fucking freezing and miserable out and rained on us a LOT and by a wandering series of events we realised that, hey, neither of us really had evening plans so if the other was keen maybe we should make like half the rest of the internet and see Star Trek? Which seemed like a good plan. And other than turning up at the theatre approximately twenty seconds before their computers appeared to perform a massed desertion effort which meant the poor staff had to run around madly for like twenty minutes before they wrote out my ticket on a bit of paper (B possibly got the very last actual proper ticket printed for a good long while, it appeared) and we went off for, uh, more coffee, it was FREAKING AWESOME and I loved it.


Anyhoo. Like I have said to many of you over the years, I know (or thought I knew) almost nothing about Star Trek, I've never let myself watch it, because I am a completist with an addictive personality who buys tie-in/extended universe novels. I think we can all do the math on why me + Star Trek would = RATHER DANGEROUS in that respect. It's taken me years to break the Star Wars habit and I still twitch sometimes.

But the movie basically just stomped on, like, almost every geek button I have; B and I spent the entire thing flailing wildly (the bit where they hung their lantern out for the alternate universe? I think we were both levitating out of our seats with ridiculous glee), I was certainly not the quietest fangirl ever by a LONG SHOT and possibly every person near us wanted me, at least, beamed out of there oh god. But it was SO COOL. I was a little sad they explicitly said the bit about "time travel is cheating" because I'd made that connection (in those exact words, too) a good half hour before and was giggling over the nice tidy metaphor, but I suppose I can't blame them for doing a bit of clue-by-four-ing.

I also nearly hurt myself laughing at the stallion metaphor, but that's also because we were entirely interrogating the text from, uh, a particular perspective. :D There was one bit near the beginning I cannot believe we were the only ones in the theatre to laugh ourselves stupid over, but sadly I do not remember it. And Mr Sulu!! With the swooooooooord and mostly rescuing himself (which I always appreciate in a character). And CHEKHOV OMG. <3333333 And Karl Urban, how do YOU be so awesome? Mostly I was thrilled with how accessible it was to people (ie me) who know almost nothing, and that it seems like most of the more invested fannishly people I know have also enjoyed it. Well played, dudes.

Also, airlocking Kirk? A++ hilarity. *is a bad person* (It wouldn't have been funny if he hadn't been in a pod, I am not THAT bad a person.)

I also enjoyed playing "I've read this fic!" "...twice!" and "I HAVE SEEN THIS STARGATE HEL-LO" a lot. :D Also, is it just me or did they totally lift some SFX from Empire Strikes Back for the snow planet bit? Because I swear there was a good 10 s of "heyyyyyy I recognise this audio!"

I do have to admit, though, I honestly didn't realise how much I'd picked up by fannish osmosis until I was getting references and spotting stuff coming, although I think I have to thank Aaron Allston for the primary part of that, because the second they mentioned the Kobayashi Maru I totally lost my shit, because that was the ONE piece of Star Trek canon (aside from, like, people speaking Klingon and Romulans having cloaks and Vulcans having pointy ears) that I actually knew. Because he'd worked it into the X Wing books as a covert nerd reference and I'd looked it up years ago. (Although it was a little more subtle than some of his other references. ELASSAR TARGON I ASK YOU. *snorts*) So, yes. That was totally awesome. And then we went out and had really late dinner and nommed on breads and meats and other deliciousnesses. Why is this not my everyday life, sigh.

star trek, i fail at life, star wars, godking allston

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