apparently i am the anti-dextromethorphan. it's doing almost NOTHING for me. woekittens.

Apr 11, 2009 12:32

So I keep kind of forgetting to actually, like, post. Oops. Am in Chicago safe and sound, hanging out and doing laptop-y things with Mme La Shoe in her apartment, and it's all good. I am washing clothes right now! Like a grown up! Mostly I cannot believe I have to go home in like seven days what the fuck. How has this gone so faaaaaaaast?

Yesterday we drove down to Urbana and saw Empires do a baby accoustic set, and it was basically adorable and also awesome. I'm so so glad to have got this opportunity, and to be seeing them again tonight, too. I mean, obviously I would also super love to get to see a full band electric show at some point, but it was mostly just AWESOMECAKES. And with excellent company, too. I think this means I get to win at life, if only by virtue of having amazing people apparently happy to let me tag along a lot. <3333

It was this teeny teeny tiny venue that was sort of a church thing (we sat on pews at the back and giggled. because we're us.) and had a vegan restaurant downstairs with an Aging Hippie dude on the cash register who was rather entertaining. There may have also been a point where I went to the bathroom right before Empires came on, wasn't sure if it was locked or the door was just sticking and was giving serious thought to just shoving it really hard to check. And then the door opened and Sean came out. GOSH I AM GLAD I DIDN'T TRY THE DOOR. It was sort of very fragile looking in the lock area on later inspection, put it that way.

Evan Taubenfeld seemed pretty adorable and it was very entertaining watcing the crowd basically use him as a Guitar Hero console for a bit, although I'm not sure how much repetition his act would stand up to. I am withholding judgment at this point; guess I'll see tonight.

We didn't stay for all of William's set, mostly because two and a half hour drive and we are all grannies and wanted sleeeeeeep. But it seemed like everyone was having a pretty good time.

Mostly I was just- it seems weird to say I was impressed by Empires set because obviously it's not as if I didn't believe everyone who had seen them when they said how good they are, and it's not like I don't have the album and all, but I was really - charmed? can I say that? - by both the stage presence even with the bare bones instruments, and Sean's enthusiasm and also let's face it, I am easy for tambourine. :D It was very cool. Hayley was an unexpected bit of yay, and I Want Blood was neat, but I think my favourite part was definitely Spit the Dark, IDK, it's very *flailyhands of no-words* live. Hi. Yes. /least coherent show report ever

In other news of up to the moment, I am: coughing my lungs out still (Allison is basically amazing for not having shanked me yet), planning to try and get a con report up soon, or at least photos, panicking like whoa about Big Bang, working on a beta that should've been done weeks ago and about to try and find my Milkyway for a totally healthful breakfast. \o?

empires, usa09

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