Livejournal is so Eight Years Ago

Feb 24, 2009 00:14

Oh my god, you guys, you guys that was so awesome. Joe pretended to deep throat a glowstick. Pete made that's what she said jokes and Patrick mocked him for it, and then went on to claim that he couldn't emigrate here even though he wants to because they require that he have some sort of "skill to contribute to society" (I appreciate that he looked that up to make the comment, although mostly the entire audience and I am pretty sure also Pete were basically all AWWW HONEY in response to this blatant untruth). Andy was generally awesome. The drums on Folie are never going to be loud enough in the mix after hearing some of it live, srsly. AAR were less skeezy today, somehow, although they were totally fun, Hey Monday went the fuck off (the pit was actually a lot more active for them than AAR, wtf) and then got seriously stage-invaded by the entire rest of the tour and it was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. (They tried to stage-invade FOB in return and it was adorably faily because FOB had clearly, you know, got the security dudes on side. HILARITY ENSUED, anyway.) Hey Monday almost managed to comprehensively out-stagegay FOB, but Pete managed to score quadruple points for that during the encore and brought the rightful title home again after all. And in a stunning success for great minds thinking alike, the entire EE section basically turned up planning to request Chicago Is So Two Years Ago which made for a really solid group effort, and holy fuck did that go off.

I am going to hurt like hell tomorrow, though, not because of the pit behind us - dudes you guys were awesome and ILU - or the really awesome girl to my left (hey, if you're on LJ, four-years-younger-than-me-from-Christchurch, say hi!), but because the three or four people between jocondite and I had NO idea how to cope with lateral movement on a rail and I spent half the show holding all three of them in place with one leg and my hip and sheer bitchiness. My spine is less than impressed with this state of affairs. There may also have been a point where I whined to twitter about "ravening Cthulu in stripey tights" to describe some of the amazing shrieking going on before they let anyone in. (And yeah, I know I spelled it wrong then. Damn you, lack of ctrl+z for twitter!)

So, you know, basically: dear Decaydance, thank you for winning at life generally and accidently throwing me an amazing end-of-tour AND eighth-lj-anniversary party. *beams, is self-absorbed* Oh, and also? The 1812 Overture between acts was a superb touch, by the way.

(Seriously, though, I've been on here for eight years now. wtf. *is gleeful aged fannish crone*)

I was going to drive out to J+S's place tonight because I'm totally wired and still awake, except then when I was dropping B home I, um. Nearly turned the wrong way up a one way street (I WAS MOMENTARILY LOCATIONALLY CONFUSED OKAY) and I figure that more driving is probably not especially intelligent right now. Especially without street lights. But it does allow me to make a hypothesis that attack of the one-way streets is totally a result of seeing a band for the second time. So it wasn't your fault last year, Lu! Totally Panic's! :D

(Also, it appears that almost all of my AAR pictures came out really well and none of the other two bands did. Lol irony. "And the lesson is: never try." *giggle*)

there's no half-life for fandom, cassadee and her emo boy minions, tour09, salt lake, auckland, hey monday

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