Damnit! I hadn't hit anything for AGES!

Jan 03, 2009 22:49

I have a horrible feeling I never mentioned that I also got lovely Christmas cards from runaground and tehsunny, and from the adorable ms elucreh. So thank you guys, seriously. I have them all on my desk this year and so I keep getting distracted from typing to coo over your handwriting and all. (Rob, you acted in matters of correspondance this year, right? I ask only cos I figure if it'd been Sunny it'd look like I wrote it. *winning smile*)

* * *

My day has been sort of weirdly bookended by fail, with intermittent points of great awesome. I started out tetchy because I woke up about two hours before I needed to be up (and then of course fell asleep again half an hour before I had to be up, ensuring maximum disinclination to remove myself from my bed). And I had to get up early because yesterday, when it was a public holiday and nothing was, you know, open... I kind of noticed there was something stuck in my eye. I maybe noticed it earlier in the week and forgot about it. Hi, I am busy being the poster child for "do as I say, not as I do!" when it comes to matters medical. But it didn't hurt! At all! So I figured I was far better served to avoid the hours long wait and hundred dollars of going to the A+E on a public holiday and took the (only available) appointment at the mall optometrist at half past nine on the Saturday. *weeps quietly* And so she got it out - we couldn't work out what it was, because it was really small and very black, so I don't think it was a bit of concrete or sand and it should heal up fine. Aside from a small amount of scarring on the cornea. DDDDD: But I did manage to bogart my prescription sufficiently that I could now order contacts off the internet (WAY CHEAPER)! ...of course, what this also proved is that even since I got my new glasses last year my right eye's got worse, and so I can't pull a Mikeyway and get laser eye surgery any time soon even if I could afford it. STUPID EYES.

And then I mooched around my room and got an actually-remarkable amount of cleaning done (I cleared two shelves of the Cupboard of Doom, and made up three parcels, two of which have partially been sitting there since 2006 - serious progress!), went out to Tracy and Rich's for dinner (om nom nom, roast chicken. Also I introduced Tracy to LOLCats. Probably she will not thank me for this in the long run.) and watched silly tv with them and then played Carnival games and bowling with their Wii. I still suck at most things, although the tin duck shooting is remarkably easy even for me.

...and then I blithely said "no, don't worry, I don't need help backing out" despite the fact I'd never actually parked up their drive before and especially not in the dark, and thereafter followed a series of events over which we shall draw a veil, except perhaps to say "car: 1, letterbox: 0." *FACEPALM*

i fail at life, rob, mail, sunny, christmas, tracy, lu, eyes

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