Dec 29, 2008 19:00

Hiii, guys. I am back. Sorta mostly, anyway. I finished dog-sitting this morning (technically should've at half past five, but when my phone alarm went off I flailed wildly, whimpered, literally roll-stumbled out of bed to feed the dog and lock her into the backyard, and then... went back to bed for half an hour to lie there woefully Resenting My Lot in Life), went to work, and was wrathful at the State of the Universe: we'd had a powercut most likely on Christmas Day out there and no one was there to notice until this morning, so the milk that'd been in our fridge was doing its best to transmogrify into a new lifeform - thank god J. discovered that and not me; she said she nearly chucked as it was - and that while our power was back, the other part of the site - ie the part where the modem which runs our entire computer network - didn't, which for technical reasons (above and beyond, that is, how we only have those stupid Winterm things, not actual computers that can run independent of the intranet) Made Shit Difficult. I was maybe a lot whinier than usual on Twitter today, sorry. But because J. is made of shiny awesome and gave me a hand while she was similarly Sans Computer I actually got out about an hour early (I've been there for two and a half years, this is quite literally the fifth time I have EVER left early) which was excellent. I used this spare time valuably by trying (and failing) to install the new 320 GB harddisk I bought myself for Christmas and then destroying my room even further in the pursuit of Mail.

Mail Roundup! (ie: <3333333333 to you all!)

I would like to thank the lovely mrsronweasley for her card (which, dude, how does my mother ALWAYS manage to be right over my shoulder when I am trying to open your cards? I was very shifty opening it this year since I did not know what to expect. :D), the wonderful brooklinegirl for her card (seriously, that is one of my favourite pictures of you ever, I am so happy that was your be-hatted choice for this year. <33333 PS damnit I just realised I ran out of dinosaur stickers and cannot suitably adorn YOUR card. Nuts. ...also, wow, deja vu. Huh.), the utterly sweet mickeymvt for her incredibly cute card (my friend-I've-known-since-she-was-born is SO jealous; she's a WtP nut. :D <3), the charming Ms jezzabe for hers (dawwww, you. PS I MISS YOUR FACE. Is it Fall Out Dudes tiem yet?), the spifftacular china_shop for her card and email (I suspect ours crossed like ships in the night or something! Also I am sure I will email you back at some point. Possibly even before February! But in short: dude, no worries and *smish*), and lastly and by no means least, the fabulous lordessrenegade for her ridiculously adorable (and interactive, oh my god; also my mother thinks you are the cleverest person around, btw) card. Needless to say, Patrick will be wearing the kittysuit most of the time. Because I know what boysPete likes. :D

Yesterday I went for a long walk with the dog (we tackled a big hill after our usual walk. I do not feel the not-fizzy-at-all sole remaining bottle of Chi they had at the dairy at the top of the road was sufficient reward, frankly), and then crashed out in front of the tv for a media catchup. I have now finally seen Casino Royale (pretty good, still keep being thrown by how much he looks like Callum in it though), Hellboy (omfg I thought that was AWESOME and now give Doug Jones even more props than I did initially which, let's be honest, was quite a lot to start with. I also spent half the credits reenacting his Guillermo del Toro impression to myself and snickering. The dog thinks I'm weird.), and I watched a full disc of the SeaQuest DSV season 1 I bought on super special ages ago. Aside from the title sequence (lol early 90s! shadowed 3D text!) it hasn't actually aged all that badly, and it's pretty entertaining even with half-memories of the plots. Mostly I was amused to discover a) that the technical advisor is my dad's favourite non-fiction author of all time (Rob Ballard) which cracked my shit up and b) that there is at least 14 years worth of precedent for my tendency to ship Military/Scientist. Awwww Bridger/Dr Westphalen. (See, sometimes I like het!) We won't talk about the horrifying ten seconds where I accidently out of habit picked up on the subtext between Bridger and LUCAS and had to go pour bleach into my childhood. :D (Aren't you all happy I shared? ...aren't I happy Izzy is on the road and therefore not about to KILL ME DEAD? *beams*)

Aaaaaaaand, now back to trying to catch up my flist. I was actually 2/3 days behind before I went offline on our-Christmas-eve, so... I'm doomed, aren't I? Doomed like a small fuzzy duckling in the path of a velociraptor. Ah well. I shall take my best stab at it, at least.

holly-sitting, seaquest, mail, friends, hellboy, nice pile of rocks, fangirls, cards

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