This post is utterly specious

Dec 18, 2008 22:41

MCR, you assholes, quit talking about pumpkin spice lattes. I haven't found anywhere in this HEMISPHERE which will actually do them and this does not help my addiction! (It's been two years since my last one... /lame)

Also, half the internet is OMG FIRED for not telling me there is actually a Wes Janson action figure now. Unfortunately, it's only as part of a three pack and the three pack costs fifty bucks so there's no way, but. WES! If I got that and found the Wedge one ever they could have hot action figure hand-holding action like Frank and Bob do! IT IS MY DREAM, OKAY?

My room continues to be a tip/disaster area on a scale which is actually about to drive me insane. Current plan is to deal with that tomorrow - no, really. REALLY. - and on the weekend.

I have almost caught up my flist except for Weds which I am ignoring - again - until the weekend. \o/

I was about to say "I'd love to hear what strangecobwebs thinks, but I totally reckon the beginning of the Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes sounds like the Who (and maybe with a dash of U2 thrown in?), but I am not great at influence spotting" - except then popnog said much the same thing, and I got to feel all smart for five minutes. Win!

Aaaaand, here, have some picspam. 10 pictures from December so far.


Aww, babies. Aww, terrifying parents. (Really not all that fond of swans. I had. A bad. Experience! :D)

Hi my country really is ridiculously pretty. blue_raven and I drove out to Kawakawa Bay on Saturday, and then followed a tiny narrow road to "see where it went", which turned out to be another small beach, and a lot of ocean side views along the way.

The waves breaking over rocks at the tiny beach I forget the name of. This is the first one I took after I remembered to switch my image sizes back from "photographing for trademe" so the others sort of suck. I'm fairly sure that's the Coromandel Penninsula in the background - it is often visible from the east coast beaches in Manukau.

More beach. RiDICulously pretty, huh?

Star Wars trivial pursuit at Jo's on Sunday. Note jocondite completely wiping the floor with all of us. She was Vader. So I guess the Dark Side did win, after all.

The non-functional oven that I use as a table (and display board), to the side of my work bench. I had a picture of my actual desk (also a tip right now! *facepalm*) but I forgot to blur some proprietary/identifying stuff on it, so maybe later. Note the white bucket. This is our paper recycling bin. Because J. and I enfore recycling with an iron fist (and a lot of guilt-tripping).

Mega-zoom from the back of work looking out to the pit. The pinkish stuff underneath the topsoil/clay (usually in between rock layers) is ash/burned material from when Taupo erupted two thousand years ago. I find this dorkishly awesome.

Also, I bought a kickin' hat at the $2 Shop last night. I am already most fond of it. Bonus points to anyone who can identify all the various fannish enthusiasms visible in that photo ahahahaaaa oops. *is an obvious nerd, yes*

Lastly, I have sent out about half my holiday cards so far, which means I should probably apologise in advance if a) my handwriting is illegible and b) it doesn't make sense (I panic! I am not very erudite under pressure!) or c) I wrote it for a holiday you don't celebrate. Also, gonna bug a few more of you guys for addresses soon - if you'd rather not, don't worry about it, but I like sending cards and random crap during the year, so it would make me happy if you are okay to share them. Obviously there is NO expectation of reciprocation or whatever.

there's no half-life for fandom, x wing, star wars, welcome to the dork parade, friends, buffy night, picspam, fangirls

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