
Nov 12, 2008 20:29

You know what I kind of love? That I can tell when what icecreamhdaches is quoting is going to turn out to be popnography inside of, like, the first sentence and a half. Oh, Popnog. <3

What I don't love is leaving work an hour late firstly because it somehow takes forty minutes to open twelve documents and click two tickyboxes in each of them (seriously, why? Why. WHY.) ( Read more... )

australia08, nice pile of rocks, melbourne, muskrat jamboree, fangirls

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nova33 November 12 2008, 07:35:49 UTC

Are my caps expressing my views accurately enough.


shihadchick November 12 2008, 07:38:57 UTC

Very accurate! (Run awaaaaaaaaaay to Victoria for the weekend! We'll put you up! *is a terrible horrible influence*)


nova33 November 12 2008, 07:41:21 UTC

(Next week is exams! I can't possibly run away this weekend. Also, I can't drive! See the flaw in the plan?)

(On a totally unrelated note, what would you like for Christmas?)


shihadchick November 12 2008, 07:47:02 UTC
I KNOOOOOOOOOW. *fails so epically* *attempts to get out and push and move [your state] closer to VIC ( ... )


nova33 November 12 2008, 07:51:27 UTC

(Let it be known that if I could steal a plane, I totally would.)

(Sorry, he's promised to someone else. That is, if I ever suddenly gain possession of him. I can do cards. I can do more than cards, probably, if there's some other tangible thing you would appreciate. (I have a job now! It means I have money to wildly throw away on other people!) A card would be excellent, and I continue to live in hope for this Jon/Brendon fic. And I don't mean that in the sense that I don't believe you'll ever get it done, more just that I am excited for it. Seriously, I'm not one to talk about belated fic-gifts. I still owe a friend a story from MARCH. Clearly I am the faily one.

P.S. You are not allowed to just put images like that into my brain when I'm supposed to be all focused on other things! God. JWALK.


shihadchick November 12 2008, 08:01:04 UTC
*pushes harder* *rethinks this, gets out and attaches ute, tries to tow* Anything yet ( ... )


nova33 November 12 2008, 08:05:44 UTC
Even the ute is not working! (Wait, do you have utes in NZ?)

(You totally could ask for something. Just because you haven't been around as of late doesn't mean you aren't a good friend. We'll eventually get an e-mail together to exchange addresses.)

P.S. *brain short circuits*

My boys! And their witty banter! So much love. Seriously, so much. My favourite picture of Jon popped up in a picspam today, and it was one of those moments where I remembered all over again why I love him so much.


shihadchick November 12 2008, 08:38:31 UTC
Woekittens! (We do, yep. I drive one for work.)

(I'm bad at that part, though! Seriously. Although I do have a ridiculous fondness for socks, if that helps? How about you? And we will, yes.)

PS *similar straits omg*

Yessssssss. I love them so hard. And ooh, which one is that? (OH PLEASE like I wasn't going to be all over "which Jon pic is your favourite?" type comments. :D)


nova33 November 12 2008, 08:51:47 UTC
(That is a very Southern Hemisphere thing, then.)

(Socks I can do. I am good with just a card.)

PS It's one of all of them, actually, from an awards show. And Spencer is dressed like Spencer, pretty normal, and Ryan's wearing a vest and a hat and bracelets (also normal) and Brendon is the happy medium. And then Jon is standing there in jeans and a grey t-shirt (a v-neck! The way to my heart!) and holding what appears to be a cup of tea. Seriously, he looks like he was just sort of transported there from his living room. Also, he is drinking tea at an awards show! SO MUCH LOVE.

And I was going to tell you what my favourite picture of Jon was when he's on his own, but when I started looking through all of them (alone with his bass, clapping on stage, at the piano looking up, sitting on the bed with his laptop, wearing a suit and eyeliner and smirking at the camera, sleeping under Ryan's jacket, etc.) I realized they're all my favourite.


shihadchick November 12 2008, 08:55:22 UTC
(Isn't it just? It took me until halfway through my last visit to notice Amy's look of incomprehension and start rephrasing myself to say PICKUP instead. Heeeeeeee.)

(Dude, no, no fair making me fess up material crap wot I like and not sharing in return! I demand knowledge! Otherwise you'll get deliberately scary tchotchkes! :D)

YES YES I KNOW EXACTLY WHICH PICTURE YOU MEAN. I think it was MTV Malaysia or something? YEAH. Once again, I must salute your good taste.

...my brain totally did a mental slide show of all of those pictures. Yes. ♥ Jonny Waaaaaaaaaalker ♥. Though I must admit the sleeping-under-Ryan's-jacket one melts my heart in a particularly fierce manner.


nova33 November 12 2008, 09:07:29 UTC
(I think there's a slight difference? But either way, it is sort of funny to have those differences. I just did a documentary for school on the differences in language between North America and Australia, and oddly enough, that one didn't come up. But it was still really interesting.)

(Um, I like books? I'll read practically anything if it's recommended by people who I know.)

Yes! I think that's it - MTV Malaysia. It's such a lovely picture.

As it should do! It's funny how well we know them. (Like every so often, when someone mentions Panic in a non-obsessive way, and I am suddenly talking about their wardrobe. Like that stupid yellow shirt Spencer was wearing all the time for ages.

...it's so sad that I know things like that!) But yes, the jacket one is probably my second favourite, because my love is heightened by the fact that RYAN TOOK THE PICTURE. Guh. &boys;


shihadchick November 12 2008, 09:14:42 UTC
(Quite possibly, but as the person who will cheerfully describe even her OWN car as "green!", I would not be the one to work it out. :D And I meant to ask how that went! All good?)

(EXCELLENT. I have plans, moo ha ha ha, oh yes, oh yes I do. Eeeexcellent.)

Yes! So pretty.

And, yes, exactly! (...we were talking about something at work yesterday and so I had to tell L. how [this one time Panic did something ridiculously adorable and it was adorable] because she'd reminded me by mentioning, like, crayons. Or something. Okay, this story would have had more point if I could remember the story I told. Although today I had to explain how Patrick's scar was FROM HIS HALO FALLING DOWN. Oh PETE. Which is to say, yes, oh my god that shirt I know exactly what you mean.)

And, ohhh, yes. And the picture of Ryan TAKING the picture? *bites hand, whimpers*


nova33 November 12 2008, 09:35:49 UTC
(It went well! Well, I got it done in time and it's handed in and I don't totally hate it. But we'll see. I don't think it's the most exciting doco ever, but I found the interviews interesting.)

(You evil mastermind, you.)

(Someone was once complaining about some stupid ad for laser eye surgery, and I started rambling about Mikey Way. This was way back when my obsession had just started, and people thought it was really weird. Now they just kind of accept my creepy ability gift to tie anything back into bandom.)

THEY ARE SO ADORABLE I CAN BARELY STAND IT. (And those pictures always make me want Ryan/Jon.

...Maybe I should write some.

Oh god.)


shihadchick November 12 2008, 09:46:51 UTC
(Excellent! And, honestly, sometimes those are really all you kind of need, right?)

(Exaaaaaactly. blademistress will back me up with evidence of my evil, even! Mostly it involves punning.)

(..awwwwwwwwwww! And, hee!)


...yes! You should! I support that theory! *enables*)


nova33 November 12 2008, 10:05:11 UTC
(I hope so?)

(Oh, well in that case. (Someone asked what "benial" meant today in media, and my teacher said, "Oh, it's a river in Begypt." I WAS AMUSED DESPITE MYSELF.))

(Oh my god, do not enable me. I have an original fic to write, plus a Jon/Spencer and a Spencer/Ryan. I do not have time to be writing a Jon/Ryan.

...besides, what would the plot be?)


shihadchick November 12 2008, 10:07:43 UTC
(*hopes also*)

(...AHAHAAAAA. Yeah, I would've laughed too.)

(But-but- Jon/RYAN. It is adooooooooorable! Although, oooh, Jon/Spencer. And Spencer/Ryan. Um. OKAY FINE I LIKE ALL PANIC PAIRINGS KIND OF A LOT. *enables you somewhat indiscriminately*

...they are pretty and/or stoned? IDK!)


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