File this under "things I have just now realised"

Oct 29, 2008 20:39

The DVD recorder (which I use only rarely since it doesn't playback anything from other zones) remote has GLOW IN THE DARK BUTTONS. How cool is that? That is intelligent design! (Unlike the older DVD player, which has an S-video input on the opposite side to that of the TV, which means my S-video cable doesn't quite reach to join them. Heh.)

/techno goobery

Anyway, the things I have accomplished tonight are... sort-of fixing my LJ layout (it's not perfect, but it's WAY better), and typing up musical notation using a free font (time consuming as hell but looks way better). We will all note that "dealing with TradeMe", "checking LJ" and "answering email" don't fall anywhere on that list. Oops. :/ I remain only sort-of here, sorry. Eventually, I swear.

In wholly unrelated news, someone who shall remain nameless RICKROLLED ME at lunchtime, over TEXT MESSAGE. From a foot away. My revenge shall be sweet whenever I... think of it. Suspect that telling her my plan A (buy one of those creepy motion-detecting Santas, hack the sound card so it sings boom-de-yada instead, put it outside her front door) was possibly too ambitious MAY have been a mistake. Also, given that pre-caffeine we came up with "I kissed a smurf/and I liked it/the taste of that blue plastic" and AFTER we caved and had caffeine we came up with Oink, the World Pig (superior to the World Snake; spiral galaxies are actually his tail, It All Comes Back To Bacon In the End, and he's a far better embodiment of Norse mythology than Thor because Oink is always a sober driver while Thor tends to go off and get hammered...), I suspect we should... stop blaming the caffeine or lack thereof for anything, frankly. :D

dork, nice pile of rocks, quote!, fangirls

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