A flustered tangle of storied events

Oct 19, 2008 21:15

Hi, flist. I'm a bajillion years behind (again, still, eternally) on both reading and writing, but I really can't bring myself to look at my flist properly right now as it is so I'm figuring I'll take a stab at updating, at least.

So, working backwards! Like sands through the hour glass, these are the... events of my LJ. Or something. :D

This morning Ange and I both slept in a bit and then wandered out to Manukau, where she got french toast mk 2 (scored higher than Dennys) and I got coffee, and then I got a new camera reasonably cheaply, and- it's all shiny and pretty and has a 10x optical zoom and image stabilisation and I may be (a little nervously) in love with it. SO PRETTY. (Panasonic Lumix TZ15 for those of you keeping track at home - thank y'all for the comments last week, btw.) And then I went to work for a couple of hours (bitter, party of one. heh.) and didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, before coming home for a Guitar Hero date with Tracy and Rich. That was really fun, and we unlocked some stuff in Guitar Hero 3, and got Rich addicted as well (this is part of Tracy's not so secret plan to persuade him they need it for their Wii).

Saturday was mostly a lot of sleeping in and then faffing about the house, walking up to the dairy for lollies (we are so five years old. I mean in our twenties. ...no, I mean five.), and then watching a disc and a half of the West Wing (\o/ &CJ; &BARTLET;) and eating popcorn. It was very zen. (Well, aside from the point when I was setting the table for dinner and managed to slice my thumb open on a steak knife - btw! SHARP! - and... oww. Luckily I don't use that finger much for typing or gaming.)

Friday was, post-work, made of shiny awesometastic WIN. blademistress and I grabbed blue_raven after we'd all finished our respective jobs on Friday afternoon, made it back to my place where we got changed and then drove into town to meet jocondite. The Friday night traffic was actually non-existant, which was excellent, but we failed rather spectacularly at finding a park on the street anywhere near the theatre, so in the end I took the "oh fuck it" approach and we just left the car in the Vic St carpark. Wandered from there back to Burger Fuel where we met up with jocondite, abused the hell out of my shareholder card (I have had so much free food on that thing, seriously, best investment ever. Okay, it's also my only investment, but whatever. It was a wise choice so far.), and then stood outside in the fresh air chatting away merrily and didn't actually really notice how long our food was taking.

Until the server guy came outside with our food, apologising for the delay, and gave us back all our money and said since they'd taken so long there was no charge. (!) We were a little stunned, tbh, because... well, we hadn't even realised! And certainly hadn't expected it! So big ups to Burger Fuel for customer service above and beyond (I'mma check next weekend if they have a tip jar and leave some if so, because their staff are generally awesome, too). So we schlepped our food down to the food court (where there was far more space to sit) and made Impressed Face a lot and talked our heads off, as is the fannish norm.

Dinner being taken care of, we wandered back to the Academy and sat down there and... possibly traumatised the staff while we talked even MORE while waiting for half eight, because blue_raven had used epic google-fu and discovered on Thurs that they were showing Wilby Wonderful, so we got to see that in a proper movie theatre, and it was GRATE. No spoilers, but in the Bit at the End, both jocondite and blue_raven (and a couple of the ladies up the front) all went "AWW!" out loud involuntarily, and cracked up, and then two seconds later did the same thing again, and it was a Beautiful Moment (and also hilarious).

And then we had twenty minutes to make it from the theatre in town back to the car, across the bridge, and to the cinema on the Shore to pick up our tickets on time, and more than likely we needn't have worried about being there spot on the '20 mins before show' deadline because it didn't seem like anyone really cared, but I maybe got a little bit stressed out about it, and of course couldn't find our ticket for the parking machine, which had me dumping out the contents of my bag in the middle of the lobby while the other three tried to point out we could just pay for a lost ticket and I didn't need to panic and I was all "NO I KNOW IT IS IN HERE I PUT IT IN WITH MY IPOD DDDDDDDD:"

(I finally found it, btw. It was stuck to the back of my iPod. *facepalm*)

So then we drove possibly a little faster than we should have (I stopped for red lights, okay? And it is not my fault the stupid giant bus in front of me made me almost not see one of them, but the important thing is: I did STOP at it!) and got to the theatre, and I more or less threw the three of them out of the car at the door and pointed at the stairs while I hared off to find a carpark. I nearly parked in the cinema lot, but I refuse to pay for parking in Takapuna, so I kept going and found a place on the street two cars away from the door. I WIN. It was pretty excellent.

So I got the car squared away neatly, raced up the stairs after the others, decided not to bother trying to change into my corset (I was feeling a tad stressed and being late makes me crazed and those are generally not modes in which having my breathing further restricted is wise) and emerged into the theatre lobby to find a bunch of dressed up excited (and also drunk) people milling about waiting for Rocky Horror - which was on in all three theatres! - and also angel_a, sethra2000, jessikast and laputain (I think I got everyone there? yes?), all of whom I was totally flighty and brainless at, for which I apologise. By pure chance the entire known LJ contingent was all in the same theatre (convenient!) and jessikast and laputain were in the seats directly in front of me (at which point we kind of went "MOO HA HA HA!" at each other, since we have done this before). The theatre was totally awesome and provided way more props than I have ever been allowed/given before (we were allowed to throw both rice AND toast, and they had toilet paper, and also water pistols and no one got yelled at for using lighters instead of torches. AMAZING. I do not envy the cleaners, however.) and the crowd was generally enthusiastic, although it must be admitted that the vast majority of the callbacks were laputain, jessikast and I. And I was losing my voice and therefore not quite as loud as I should've been. But I nailed the 'illegitimate lovechild of R2D2 and a statement to prove it!" for the first time in public in years, which I was very pleased with (and made up for fucking up "My Name is Inigo Montoya...", sigh) and it seemed like everyone had a good time.

It was kind of half past one at that point, except none of us were terribly sleepy any more, so we ended up actually hauling ass to Denny's and spending almost two hours there chatting and flailing and generally being the night owls that we are, and then I had to take people home and it was sad, but there were sleepy fangirls kind of starting to doze off at the table a little and that was not so good, so.

But yes, overall, Friday was so fucking much fun, and I love fangirls so hard and need to spend more time with them ALWAYS. (jocondite and I did kind of end up discussing bandom. Just a little. And by a little I mean reasonably a lot because I can't help myself and theirstupidfuckingfaaaaaaaaaces, etc. That Thing on Spencer's Face was mentioned. And then later jocondite was explaining to the other two about the Field of Hotness that surrounds Spencer Smith in real life and how it is like an aura or some kind of law of physics and the phrase "it's like gravity, except it makes you want to take off your clothes" may have been spoken. I HAVE NO IDEA WHO BY. COUGH.)

Aaaaaaaaaaand now we're catching up to the present. More or less. :D

ETA: LOL TYPOES *fixes* *facepalms*

And since I have Armageddon this weekend (omg! so soon!) and therefore in theory a David Hewlett and a Kavan Smith, I REALLY need to go get caught up on SGA so I don't get spoilered then.

wilby wonderful, rocky horror, quote!, fangirls

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