in short: home from Wellington, still sick, proper post later.

Oct 07, 2008 17:22

Kat just linked me to a carefully innocuously renamed mp3 of the cover Panic closed with in San Diego and I am curled up in my chair in a little ball of gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.



[don't] panic

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Comments 89

morebliss October 7 2008, 04:49:57 UTC
I hope you get better soon. I think bandom may be catching. I might have read fics yesterday. And printed more out to read at home. Lalalalalalalalalala! *smooch*


shihadchick October 7 2008, 04:54:23 UTC
\o/ I will be more than happy to assist you in the sparkly slippery slide of fweeeeeeeeeee later this week, ohhhh yes. *GRINS*

*hopes that people caught bandom and NOT my cold this weekend omg*


katrin October 7 2008, 04:55:20 UTC
Bandom is 100% catching, and Claire is basically the most contagious person ever and you should run away while you still have a chance.


shihadchick October 7 2008, 04:55:51 UTC



omphale23 October 7 2008, 04:52:25 UTC
*grabby hands*

(At the mp3. Not you. Well, maybe a little at you.)


shihadchick October 7 2008, 04:57:59 UTC

I reccommend a little bit of volume on headphones and possibly also someone to sit on you, because I *still* can't stop my hands from twitching uncontrollably with the overload of flail. Fair warning!

(I am okay with that! *snugs you and misses*)


elucreh October 7 2008, 05:12:14 UTC
Can I take it too? Did you see the Spencer-drumming-to-it video yet?

OMG HOW ARE THEY REAL? I am so bouncy about getting to see them!

ALSO: I AM TOTES GOING TO HAVE ZACK STORIES, I WILL WITHHOLD THEM! You don't have to write up your concerts, but the Zaaaaaaaaack, pleeeeeeease tell me?


elucreh October 7 2008, 05:13:26 UTC
Oh, also also, would you e-mail me the pic of you and me from the HCT?


jamethiel_bane October 7 2008, 05:31:43 UTC

*ahem* I mean, please? *sadfaces at you*

Also, I am sick. And BORED. It is possible that I may have complained about this once or twice. I think the Housemate is plotting to kill me. *eyes her warily*


omphale23 October 7 2008, 05:45:40 UTC
JAME! Go get it, seriously. It's made of fucking WIN.

(Also also. Zunior. Canadian music label aggregate, lots of indie stuff, lots of free compilations. I may have just blown my DL limits for the month.)


shihadchick October 7 2008, 05:58:24 UTC
See comments!


*squishes you*

And oh god, I hear you on that. I was Ball of Misery and Woe (with bonus 12-year-old-boy-voice-breaking) all weekend, it suuuuuuuucked in that respect. Our immune systems need to get their respective shit together, yo.


jocondite October 7 2008, 06:31:14 UTC
*cling* I hope you feel better, bb!


shihadchick October 7 2008, 06:36:03 UTC
Thank you, honey! The glee injection from omgwtfrockband is helping A LOT. Oh, BOYS.


mrsquizzical October 7 2008, 09:55:06 UTC
so i just creepily read all the threads here. and omg panic covering rem would be... *YEARNS*

i don't know if i would cope with them trying U2 in case i hated it. that would just devestate me on too many levels. (which. well i've never hated anything they've done - even 'shout', which. i'm sorry. i hate that song. it just... too many doccos on j.o-k and the start of rock in australia blah blah blah - i even loved them doing it because it's so RIGHT for bden!)

of course. if i loved it my heart would go into overload and i'd expire.


shihadchick October 8 2008, 05:28:44 UTC
Dude, that's not creepy! Or, um, if it is, I am total Queen Creepster, I do that all the tiiiiiiiiime.

And, yeah, there is that (vast and scary) danger with U2, exactly. I don't think I've met many U2 covers at all yet which I can tolerate let alone genuinely like, so... eeek. (And, awwwwww. But oh god, yes, so right for Brendon, holy crap.)



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