Not noted in post body: also I cleaned a lot! Go me, for real!

Sep 13, 2008 20:53

From the sample set of {sometimes my brain is not my friend}, "hey, if you wanted to make a horrible1 portmanteau pairing name for Brendon/Shane would it be "Brane"? AHAHAHAAAOH GOD." *facepalm*

In other news, Team LotsaMud (hopefully) now consists of an extra person2, which makes my life much more awesome, although I still feel very bad about ( Read more... )

tracy, nice pile of rocks, fangirls

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nova33 September 13 2008, 10:09:12 UTC
The only time I played Guitar Hero was sort of pathetic, but I think that probably I'd just keep trying and trying. I'm such a perfectionist.

Also, stop being so busy and social. You're setting the bar too high!

There was one other thing...oh yeah! \o/ for sesame bars!


shihadchick September 13 2008, 10:16:35 UTC
I was SO bad the first, like, twenty times I tried it, and I am still rather faily a lot of the time, but I hit a zen moment when I was playing with jezzabe the other week and I can almost-sort-of-mostly play at "medium" level now (instead of just "easy") and it's getting a lot better. It is just so much fuuuuuuuuun. ("Dead!" is still the only thing I have 100%-ed on (on easy!), though.)

I am not nearly this social normally, it's very strange!



nova33 September 13 2008, 10:32:02 UTC
It just feels really off to me! I mean, the bass is sort of massive and then suddenly there are these dinky little buttons...I don't even know. We don't really have much oppurtunity to play video games in my family anyway.

Today I went out and saw a movie. It was a big moment for me.

You know those little sesame seed crackers? Or biscuits, or whatever you want to call them? They come in packs of four, and they're sort of delicious. Anyway, my parents have never let me have them because they were deemed too sugary, and they are my guilty pleasure every time I have the oppurtunity to buy them. (Yeah, that's right. Other kids are partying and getting drunk, and I am reading a book with my secret sesame seed crackers.)


shihadchick September 13 2008, 10:35:55 UTC
Oh, I bet it does if you're used to proper instruments, yeah. I only ever played flute (...pause for the peanut gallery) and I am terrible at anything guitar-related so I didn't have much cognitive dissonance in that respect. It's helped a LOT somehow in being able to (sometimes) identify time signatures, though, which I could NEVER do before. But fair, yo.

Which movie?

I think I know the ones you mean! And, aw, but hey, simple pleasures, right? (And given I am curled up with sesame bars and a bookfic, I think I see where you're coming from on that.)


nova33 September 13 2008, 10:44:50 UTC
I'm really not very good in terms of musical instruments. It doesn't come naturally to me at all, and I have no ear for it. At the moment I'm struggling through a lot of theory so I might actually be able to improvise at some point. (The flute is a lovely instrument, seriously. I never could make a sound from it.)

In Bruges.

Simple pleasures, definitely. Today I just got to sort of wander around and not worry about work, and it was really, really nice. All I need is a nice day and a pot of tea. (Which fic? Have anything to rec me? I've been re-reading favourites all day. (Wednesday Night Boys for the third time!) I've just started a new book and I'm really excited for it. I have good feelings.)


shihadchick September 13 2008, 10:52:54 UTC
I'm very bad at everything, but it's kind of fun to try (well, drums, anyway - stringed instruments are beyond me) when I'm around them. But ooh, good luck with the theory, yo. (I liked it, but lacked coordination/ambition to go any further, tbh.)

I have heard of that but forget what it's about.

Yesss. And, ooh, nice indeed. (I just have everything from bandslashmania today and yesterday open in tabs, haven't looked properly yet - still on flist reading - but will point stuff at you if appropriate! And rereading is excellent. I've been rereading a lot of skoosiepants' stuff lately, especially since I read like the first three in Supersaturation when I was only in SGA, and so they make so much more SENSE now I understand bandom, hee. I think of Arsenic's stuff I reread 42 a LOT, I've still only read Wednesday Night Boys the once because it was good but too close to my personal "too much angst and pain can't take it boooooooooooys" line to reread often (I am a giant marshmallow, hi.) Which book? *continues nosy*


nova33 September 13 2008, 11:04:02 UTC
I do not have the coordination for drums, seriously. My brother has tried to teach me a couple times, and I just can't get it. To be honest, when I tried to learn guitar, it failed because there were suddenly six strings in comparison to my usual four, and I had no idea what was going on ( ... )


shihadchick September 13 2008, 11:17:01 UTC
Oh, I super don't, either, I just like to make noise. :D And I just can't seem to make my fingers do the holding-the-strings thing with guitars of any amount of string - I have short stubby fingers! *waits for Court to come tell me it shouldn't matter t hat much ( ... )


nova33 September 13 2008, 11:39:42 UTC
I have short stubby fingers too! I've just been playing violin for so long that it seems impossible (inconceivable!) to give it up. Bass is proving somewhat more difficult, and I don't know if I'll ever actually be confident to join a band, but I'm going to try to stick with it ( ... )


shihadchick September 13 2008, 12:09:08 UTC
"You've inherited a condition known as "stubby-itis"." Heh. And I am seriously in awe of anyone who can play violin, it seems so complex and fiddly. I have a list a mile long of music to upload for people, but remind me later to give you Colm's album (irish violinist in the Frames) as well as the Tom Lehrer and other stuff. How long have you been learning bass? *wishes luck, yo*

I don't know, I think I soul-bonded toglommed onto Jon/Spencer so hard right off the bat (historically, as well, I tend to lean to drummer/bassist and bassist/guitarist ships; it amused the hell out of me when I realised this tendency.) that it meant other stuff sort of fell behind. And excluding poly-ships (because, let's face it, my true OTP *is* an OT4), I think it's Jon/Spencer, Jon/Brendon, Ryan/Spencer, [all other permutations about equally], Spencer/Brendon. But yes, that makes good sense, exactly. I guess there is largely a sense as well of us all being close enough to each other that there is no, well, fourth wall, so to speak, between reader and ( ... )


nova33 September 15 2008, 20:56:10 UTC
The reason I even picked up violin was because I thought it was so cool how fast their fingers moved. I am not sure if I'm fast enough that I give off that same air, but there you go. I will remind you later to give me music, don't even worry. I've been playing bass for...okay, maybe a year? But there was a good period of time in there wherein my teacher - who was actually a classical guitar teacher - had me pick up guitar to supplement, and then it turned into just guitar lessons. So I've pretty much just started all over again with bass ( ... )


shihadchick September 13 2008, 12:10:34 UTC


nova33 September 15 2008, 20:57:10 UTC
Wait, I totally missed the pun! It must be early, or something.


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